Salvation Through Childbearing

This morning I read 1 Timothy Chapter 2, and although I've read it many times before, mostly in my youth prior to being a mother, I read it this morning in a completely different way.  I was compelled to do some more research on Pauls statement concerning women being saved though childbearing. What I found was wonderful.

The passage reads:
 9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
 11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

I'm assured that in this age when women read this passage they are initially quite offended.  We've been foolishly led to believe by our culture that a women is EQUAL, AS CAPABLE, AS EQUIPPED, and AS DESERVING as men. These are lose terms used in the context of women attempting to raise what they consider a belittle social status.  Through the recent momentum this quest has had over the last several decades (although this notion was not uncommon even at the time Paul writes 1 Timothy as women even then were attempting to be leaders, teachers, and have authority in the church arena.) I believe we are only now beginning to see what latent effects this movement has taken upon our homes, children, marriages, and society. 

Women (in general in this time) no longer seem to revere the duty of being a wife and mother.  They see it as frail and weak with much greater accomplishments to be had.  I've read countless articles in which our "community" sees families who embrace traditional values (such as those found in the Quiverfull movement or being a Stay at Home mom) as less cultured and radical with an amount of naivity to the real world. 

I was reading an article specifically talking about women who embrace Quiverfull and the author stated (paraphrase) that those women are often living in poverty, barefoot and pregnant, living only to raise children and serve their husband.  With a critical spirit the author obviously did not think that this place for a women was of any value. 

I believe the complete opposite.  Being a woman who serves her husband, submits to his authority, raises children, and loves God is the most empowering and freeing place to live this life.  My mind only values what God thinks of how we ought to live our lives and it is clear in 1 Timothy what God desires for us as mothers. Not that this isn't a process or that at times my sinful nature wants to snatch up control, break away from my babies and find something that seems more gratifying...but I know it is a LIE!  I believe that if women would take back the home and find their place under God's calling our nation would be wrecked for HIS GLORY!

I read the following information from The Bible B:

A. Established by the Creation (v. 13)
"For Adam was first formed, then Eve."
Woman's subordinate role was ordained in the order of the creation. Adam was created first, then Eve. In 1 Corinthians 11:8- 9 Paul writes, "The man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man." She was made to be his helper (Gen. 2:18). She is to follow his lead, live on his provisions, find safety in his strength, and protection through his courage. The tendency to follow was built into Eve, but with the Fall came conflict.
The subordinate role of women is not a cultural issue. It cannot be explained away as mere bias on Paul's part, because it is based on the order of creation. Adam was first formed, then Eve.
B. Confirmed by the Fall (v. 14)
"Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in the transgression."
When we think about the Fall, we usually think of it in connection with Adam. Romans 5:12-21 speaks repeatedly of the one man (Adam) who brought sin and death into the world. Adam bears responsibility for the Fall since he is the head of the human race. But we have to keep in mind that he didn't fall first--Eve did. When Eve got out from under the protection of Adam's leadership and attempted to deal independently with the enemy, she was deceived. That reinforces the truth that women were designed with the need for a leader.
Eve showed by the fact she was deceived that she was unable to lead effectively. She met her match in Satan. The Greek word translated "deceived" (exapata[ma]o) in verse 14 is a very strong term. It is stronger than the common Greek word for "deceived" (apata[ma]o). It refers to being thoroughly deceived. And so we conclude that when a woman leaves the shelter of her protector she has a certain amount of vulnerability.
The Fall was the result not only of disobeying God's command, but also of violating the divinely appointed role of the sexes. Eve acted independently and assumed the role of leadership. Adam violated his role by abdicating his leadership position and following Eve's lead. Nevertheless it is important to note that women are not more defective than men. Just as women need men, so men need women. We're all vulnerable in different ways.
We affirm the leadership of men because it is established by the creation, and confirmed by the Fall. And no daughter of Eve should follow her path and enter into the forbidden territory of rulership that was intended for men.
"Notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness with sobriety."
In verse 14 we read of woman being in sin. In contrast verse 15 speaks of woman being saved through childbearing. The salvation spoken of here is not salvation from sin. It cannot @refer to Eve since the future tense is used ("she shall be saved"). Furthermore the use of the plural pronoun "they" indicates that more than one woman is in view. Some think this verse refers to Mary's being saved by bearing Christ, but that is foreign to the context. The use of the plural pronoun clearly indicates that all women are in view here.
A. Women's Salvation Defined
The Greek word translated "saved" (s[ma]oz[ma]o) can refer to being saved from things other than sin. This verse is saying that through childbearing all women are delivered from the stigma of a woman's having caused the Fall. A woman led the human race into sin, yet women benefit mankind by replenishing it. They have the opportunity to lead the race to godliness through their influence on children.
B. Women's Significance Delineated
The godliness and virtue of a mother has a profound impact on the life of her children. The raising of children gives woman back her dignity. Her great contribution comes in motherhood. However she must continue in faith, love, and holiness; only a godly mother can raise godly children.
Obviously God doesn't want all women to be mothers. Some of them He doesn't even want to be married, since according to 1 Corinthians 7 some have the gift of singleness. Others He allows to be barren for His own purposes. But as a general rule, motherhood is the greatest contribution a woman can make to the human race. The pain of childbearing was the punishment for her sin, but bearing children delivers her from the stigma of that sin.
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says women are to accept their God-given role. They must not seek the leadership role in the church, but are to raise godly children. How tragic that so many women feel their lives are unfulfilled because they can't function in the same roles as men. God has given them the unique privilege of raising a godly generation of children, of having an intimate relationship with them that no father can know. 

One Thousand Gifts

This week started with such blessing.  My husbands parents are here for a brief visit which allows for each of his brothers and their families to get together to visit, which allows the cousins to also play and have some fun together.  Today my dearest friend bore her 5th, precious son into the world in the early morning hours.  In the stillness I was able to be with her and encourage her with prayers while she labored to bring her son into the world.  (I did have to return to my own children before she was able to give birth, but feel blessed to have been with her during the labor pains.)  It reminded me how wonderful and awesome our God is.  From a simple act of love between my friend and her husband this child gained life and that life was nourished by her life until God's chosen day of his birth.  What an awesome miracle.

One Thousand Gifts
51. Newborn Baby Smell
52. Salvation through Childbearing
53. Motherhood
54. Raising boys
55. Raising a sweet daughter
56. The miracle of creating a Life
57. The responsibilty of turning that life towards God
58. Covering that life in prayer
59. Tiny hands
60. Skin to Skin

Our daughter 3 days old

God Who Are You and what can You do for Me?

How comforting is it to you to know that God is with you, through the good and the bad, always protecting you and always loving you?

My husband and I have only been married for 5 years and in that time we have had 4 beautiful, wonderful children.  Before marriage my life was mostly predictable.  I was attending college, dating a Christian young man that would become my fiance' for a short time, and on occassion visiting my family.  I was never too far away from home.  I took care of myself, for the most part, but always had the assurance that my parents would help me if I ever needed it.  Life was cozy in a sense.  I knew God was with me but didn't tap into that as much as I would say I do now. 

Now, as a mother of 4, a wife, a homemaker, and a woman truly finding her own along this journey with Christ I have been overwhelmed by the presence of God in my life and in our life.  The beginning of God's "real" presence in my life began when my engagement started to crumble.  There was no reason for why I shouldn't marry this man yet so many reasons for why I felt God calling me away from him.  After obeying God at that point in my life the path closer to God really began.  I began to hear Him whisper to me, even when things were the loudest.  I felt His hand guiding my path even when it didn't make sense. 

After 5 years now of seeing God's provision, placement, calling, and desire for our lives I can say without hesitation that we will follow Him to the end (hopefully with not too many questions along the way, we are still human!).  He has shown himself to me enough times now that I cannot deny His powerful presence!

My prayer is that those around me, the ones we love that do not love Him, would begin to feel, see, taste, and know that He is GOOD!

One Thousand Gifts, Taking the Challenge, Chelsea Martin, A Woman Found, God's love

One Thousand Gifts

I have so, so, so much to thankful for and so many weeks now of pondering and meditating upon God's blessings that I have not posted about recently. Monday's have been challenging to pull it together and post and I tend to tell myself I will catch up next week. Well this won't cut it anymore.  I need to be posting about God's blessings all the time and linking up to Ann's website on Mondays with my most recent post.  There are too many blessings (although I tend to post them in smaller doses) to only post on Mondays.

31. Homemade Soup
32. Little Helping Hands that are Quick to Learn and Grow
33. Bedtime talks about the day
34. The sound of little boys playing pretend in the backyard
35. Glimpses of Spring that keep the cold at bay
36. God's faithful provision over our finances
37. Using God's gifted interests to create art
38. Feetie Jammies on little feet
39. Quiet Nights with the One I love
40. My parents for watching our children almost every time we ask
41. Watching my children encourage one another
42. Pictures colored with crayon
43. Sleeping in
44. Waking up to Breakfast made by my loving husband
45. Giggles
46. Walking to the Park
47. A warm and cozy hug
48. A newly woken baby girl
49. My daughter walking now
50. My boys that love their sister so much

Lift Up Holy Hands by StacyLee

Precious in God's Sight

I was kindly reminded by one of the wonderful ladies over at At The Well that I hadn't yet posted concerning the "God...who are You & what can You do for me?"

This week was session 2. It was great. The discussion questions are:

1. What does it mean to you to know that you are precious in God's sight?
2. Can you think of a time in your life when you've experienced, firsthand, the LORD's faithfulness?

My thoughts:

Precious in God's Sight

I can honestly say I haven't thought about this question much in regard to myself. I often think of this in regards to my children. That God sees them as precious the way that I do, only magnified.

Precious to me has a sense of innocence about it and I know my heart too well to believe that I am innocent! Ha, the foolery of it all thinking I would be innocent. But, in God's eyes, through Christ's blood I am. I need to remember that on a daily basis. I need to re-define myself as God's precious daughter the same way I would describe my own daughter who in my eyes is TRULY precious.
If I could re-define myself accurately, find my whole position in this world in Him, it would change my outlook on my life at all points, even those I'd like to keep to myself!

It blesses my socks off to think that even through my sinful heart, God still finds me precious. He can no longer see my sin, the bridge between His heart and mine has been repaired, and loves me with such depth that I desire nothing more than to live up to his expectations of me, His desires for me, His path for me.

The Lord's Faithfulness

This one is much easier for me to answer.  God's faithfulness is the amazing, striking point of my life thus far.
I grew up in church but did not come from a home where two parents knew Jesus.  I went to a great little private school in Phoenix, AZ that my parent's had to sacrafice to provide even though I did not have two believing parents.  Jesus drew me to a Christian University my first year of college, even though it was so expensive and farther away from home, and He provided the funds to achieve it.  For the rest of my college experience God continued to keep me close to Him in the greatest of opportunities to fall away, liberal america!  The list of circumstances that God either delivered me into or out of could go on for a long time.  He has been holding my hand or carrying me every step of the way, all the way into the core of His heart, which has only recently truly become my heart's desire.  I've always loved Him, known Him, known about Him, tried to Follow Him, obey Him, but NOW, I live for Him.




Forgiving Dust
I was encouraged today by A Holy Experience.  Ann Voskamp described the most beautiful way to prepare for Easter and to go deeper with forgiveness as Christ forgave us. She quotes Col. 3:12-14 at the heart of this forgiveness...

"Therefore, as God's chosen people,
holy and dearly loved,
clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,
humility, gentleness and patience.
Bear with each other and
forgive whatever grievances you may have
against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect

Wherefore I say unto thee,

Her sins, which are many, are forgiven;

for she loved much.

~Luke 7:47

Something New -- 
A new practice to show our loving faithfulness to Christ as we embed him into our lives.
Place a bowl of flour dust out on a table.  As you read through Colossians follow the guidelines below.


Jesus took the nail for your sins. He had to find a way to forgive you. He couldn't live broken away from you.

Right now you hurt. Jesus can give you His strength to forgive. Do you want to find a way to forgive? You too can't live with the brokenness.

Remember how God has forgiven you?

1. Lay your finger in the dust... and write a word or draw a picture of two ways God has forgiven you.

2. Bow your head and thank God for graciously forgiving you.

3. Pass your hand through the dust, erasing the sins and know that God completely forgives you.

Is there someone God is calling you right now to forgive?

1. Write or draw it in the dust.

2. Ask God for His love to forgive --- the same love that has forgiven you.

3. Smooth out the dust and the memory of the sin.

How do you feel now with God’s forgiveness working in and through you?

Write or draw that feeling in the dust, a gift for the next person who comes behind.


I'm moved by this idea and desire to set out to teach my children and experience for myself Christ's true measure of forgiveness as it washes our spirit clean.  There are so many opportunities to guide them towards forgiveness and stir in them a desire to draw nearer to Christ and experience His unfailing love.

God that I would be a lamp post for them. That in that calling I too would seek forgiveness and to forgive as you have done for me.  That I would always reflect upon the Cross and the day you traded your perfection for my grace.  That you would see my sin no more.

The Greatest Valentine

Today our Pastor led a lesson on the Last Supper.  Being a Christian since I was small I've been participating in the Sacrament for many years.  I've always revered it as a very special time to reconnect with Jesus and His death on the Cross.  Taking time during the sacrament to thank Jesus for his sacrifice and love and to draw nearer to Him while publicly acknowledging his Body and his Blood.

Today I have been enlightened to even more concerning Gods great Love for us and what the Last Supper was truly saying.  It was a reminder of how deep Gods word is in what often seems to be only a few lines.

The Sacrament Symbolizes:
 1.  The Death of Christ     
We proclaim publicly that we receive the Death of Christ which was poured out for us as into the cup
 2. The Magnitude of His Death  
Before Christ they commemorated the Exodus and their release from Bondage  Christ is the sacrafice, we commemorate His Bondage in our Place
 3. The Ugliness of Sin and Judgment
In the OT they sacraficed the lamb and placed blood on the posts and mantel of the doorway (making the   cross symbol) and ate lamb for the passover dinner.Jesus is the LAMB present at the last Supper, His blood on the cross
4. We receive His Benefits
 God Loves Me, God Understands my Pain, God Will Meet my  Needs
5. Spiritual Nourishment
We Reflect, Meditate, Metabolize and Sense Gods Love
6. Unity of Believers
7. Covenant Love-A blood Oath of His faithfulness to Us
 OT God and Abraham made a blood oath in Gen. 15
 NT Jesus is the Covenant
 He died for our part of the convenant (our failure) not His own
8. My Faith in Jesus Christ
 It is not about our Faith, it is flawed, it is about the object of our Faith, He is perfect.
9. Foretaste of Future Bliss in Heaven
10. Substitutionary Atonement
Jesus Paid the Price for Us, His blood washed our sins clean

This stirs in me LOVE for Him as I see HIS LOVE for me (us).  Let God be your VALENTINE

Thursday Favorites

My Favorite Things About Fall/Winter

1. Snuggling
2. Wearing comfy and warm clothes
3. Cozy blankets
4. Feetie Jammies
5. Winter Fires
6. Hot Chilli or Soup
7. Sunny Days in Phoenix even in the Winter
8. Christmas Time
9. Trips to the Dunes
10. Hot Chocolate
11. Playing at the Park without sweating
12. Wearing boots
13. Hot Baths
14. Nighttime Movies with a blanket and babies
15. Lazy mornings
16. Hot breakfast made by my husband

Who is God to me?

As I was blog hopping I stopped by At the Well, one of my favorite blogs, and they have started a new study.  It's a study that Jenifer Jernigan from By His Grace Ministry is teaching.  This is week 1 and the discussion question is "Who is God to You?"


I can't help but think about the book, The Shack and God being portrayed as a Big, Black Woman.  I know there was much controversy over this portrayel of God, the One True God of the Universe, but aside from the controversy there was something I completely related to with that portrayel of God.

God has no gender but He made us in His image which means there are attributes about men and women that reflect God to us.  We are all familiar with God as a Father but seeing God with characteristics similar to a mother shed new light on God's love for me.

God is tender
God is decisive
God is joyful
God is loving
God is protective
God is nurturing
God is comforting
God is colorful
God is watchful
God is mindful
God is LOVE

I could go on and on about who God is to me so I'm focusing on these elements that I hadn't discovered or felt quite as near as I did before.  I've only come to embrace these attributes of God recently in my adult relationship with Him.

These are the attributes I need to see in God more often.  Not to forget all the other attributes of God (All Powerful, All Knowing, Ever Present, Shepherding, Sacrificial, Longsuffering and so on).  I know I will never cease knowing more about God and growing closer to Him, He is too vast and deep to ever stop pursuing.

My Heart--A little Broken

I am going to pour forth my heart here.  I've been taking on some extra work these days, website design, business branding, working very part time for a friend to help her with administrative things.  I thought I would do a good job balancing these tasks and time with my children doing the things I'm committed to doing with them during the day.  In the past few months I've realized that I'm balancing things like I should be.

I'm a perfectionist of sorts always wanting things to be "just so" and I have a desire to do things with my best effort expecting them to land somewhere near perfect.  Silly I know when I say it outloud.  The problem is, I've let myself get wrapped up, to some degree, with these "job tasks" and I've started putting more important, much more important things on the back burner.

It slipped right through my fingers really.  It happened slowly over time, I became distracted and then yesterday I realized I've been putting my focus on the wrong things. 

It has been obvious to me for sometime that the things I see in my children that I feel compelled to form in them are a result of my modeling.  Funny how that works.  Not really funny, sad really.  They are quick to lose patience, sometimes harsh with words between one another, easily upset.  Ummmm hello...that can totally be me.  Both my husband and I (not to drag him into this because this is about me) can sometimes get louder when we get serious with them about behavior.  I see them getting louder when they need to emphasize something or feel passionately about it.  My two little twins have taken up screaming when they don't like something or feel frustrated. 

For a while I just thought it was loud because they were boys and the house has lots of tile making it hard to hear and the toys make lots of noise, etc.  But, it is clear that the screaming has nothing to do with those things.  It is frustration, defiance, and negative expression.  Now, I don't scream at them but I do get louder (to overcome the noise sometimes but also out of frustration).  I recenlty felt convicted about that when a pastor said that yelling at your children makes them feel as though you think they are dumb or not understanding.

WOW...that is how I felt when my father yelled at me growing up.  Lightbulb ON!!  Okay so no more yelling (if I can help it, Please God Help me Not To Yell) and more talking and gently persuading them to handle situations differently.  Firmness not Volume.  If you'd asked me about those things I would absolutely agreed with that yelling isn't right...but without knowing it I was reacting poorly to their behavior. 

So this over-reaction to their poor behavior and my distraction with "working" has evolved into more frustration and over-reaction while neglecting training them and encouraging them (shepherding them) towards right behavior.

How can I tell them to speak kindly, with love in their heart, to use nice words, to not yell, etc. etc. blah blah blah when I turn around and do those exact things I ought to not do? 

It isn't all the happens like this: I'm patient, I'm patient, I'm patient, I'm patient.....then I lose it.  OR  Something happens that I feel I've instructed them on so many times I could no longer count them on all my hands and feet and I feel very frustrated. 

In working with them on matters of the heart, getting to the core of the behavior, working on heart change versus behavior modification I've neglected my own behavior in extreme circumstances.  I become, at times, a terrible role model.

I want to be firm, disciplined, consistent, with high expectations, lots of love and encouragement, and full of joy and fun. I want my children to know where they stand and what will happen when they chose to disobey, not wonder if I'm going to lose my temper.

I've realized I have to be better about my schedule.  Less distracted with "work" except during "work" time (which is when they nap), more mindful of where they are playing and what they are doing, more involved and approachable, and in moments of frustration and disobedience keep myself calm and collected, unemotional about the measure of discipline, and smother them with love and forgiveness. 

The MOST IMPORTANT part to getting back on track (besides leaving my "work" at "work") is my quiet time with God.  My focus,  my prayer time, my prayers for them, my study time, devoting myself to Christ first. 

Isn't it funny how when I take something on to try and bring more income to my family Satan uses it to disctract  me from the very people (God and my family) that I live my life for?  A simple thing becomes the root problem to getting off track.  Suddenly I'm no longer being the Child of God, Mother, Wife, or Daughter I should be and devoted myself to be.  It happened so quickly. 

Today I start a New day.  My God is a forgiving God, A Father to His daughter and I and asking Him to straighten my path, build in me someone I can't see myself becomming but desire to be, and provide for me patience and self control that I feel is often beyond my grasp. 

Oh God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

Psalm 63:1-4

"My Father in Heaven, you know it is not like me to want to confess my faults for all to see.  You know that I would rather it seem I have it all together.  I know that means I have not put what you think of me first in my life.  Today I take that step.  Today I ask you to reform my heart, change my focus and straighten my path back to you.  Draw me close to you and walk beside me as I raise those four beautiful children you gave to me.  Help me to be for them all you desire for me to be."  ---Amen

Word Filled Wednesday


God love this world yesterday, today and tomorrow, come what may, so much that He sent His Son to Die for us that we might be rectified to Him as Children of God.  
John 3:16

1 Timothy 1:1-5

I decided to do some reading in 1 Timothy this week, it won't take long to cover the chapter.  I tried to pay a lot of attention to the details of what Paul was saying to Timothy who was, at the time, in Ephesus.
Paul greets Timothy with 3 blessings, charis [grace]—God's ongoing forgiveness and enabling, eleos [mercy]—God's sympathy and concern, eirene [peace]—God's tranquility and stability within and among them as individuals and as a Christian community."  In Dr. Constable's Bible Study I read this: Timothy had a tendency to be fearful, so the reminder that God is our Father would have encouraged him. However, Paul eliminated the possibility of permissiveness implied in "Father" by using "Lord." Timothy needed to remember that the Lord had called him to serve a God who loved him as a father yet deserved complete obedience as a lord. We share Timothy's need.

I have never received so much insight from the greeting of an epistle prior to reading this commentary.

Right out of the gate in Verse 3 Paul tells Timothy to encourage his people to steer clear of those who teach another doctrine "Strange doctrines" (Gr.heterodidaskalein) is a general term that contrasts their novel teaching with what is edifying. It also suggests that a recognized standard of Christian doctrine existed when Paul wrote..  In a commentary I looked up it was stated that Hymeneaus and Alexander were two of those "wolves", most likely elders within the church, which later Paul states he has "turned over to Satan" (excommunicated).  Such a strong statement concerning those that would teach a different gospel.  As a part of the Pastoral Epistles, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus have 2 purposes: to defend sound doctrine and maintain sound discipline as pastoral duties.

He also warns again spending time on Myths (thought to be referencing Myths/Stories about Jesus and Geneologies (OT lists of Character and fictitious history in order to teach God's dealings with his people.  These things distract from true doctrine and as Paul states it "promotes speculation rather than stewardship from God that is by faith."

From Dr. Constable: "I am personally of the opinion that one of the causes of
weakness in the churches today is the virtual disappearance from our pulpits of sound, steady, Scriptural, expository teaching, and that a widespread return to that desirable practice is essential to the solid building-up of our members in the faith."
1:5 The ultimate aim of a Bible teacher should not be to generate debate and controversy. It should be to cultivate the lives of his or her students so they manifest love in their daily living. This love should spring from a pure heart, a conscience void of shame, and a genuine trust in God.

Then our Charge:  Love-from a pure heart, a conscience void of Shame (Good Conscience), and a Genuine Trust in God (Sincere Faith). vs 1:5  Sidenote: Paul's readers would perceive the conscience as
sending internal signals evaluating the rightness or wrongness of behavior (past, present or future) as a member of a group. 

It is amazing to me how much meat God has placed in just 5 versus of one book of the New Testament.  I often wonder how I could spend enough time in God's word or about Pastors who spend each day/all day diving into God's heart--wouldn't it get tiresome?  No Way, God's word is dynamic, active, current, practical, alive and withstanding time.

I was reminded of that again today! Praise Jesus huh.  I'm so blessed to be his Child.  Hopefully I will finish the rest of 1 Timothy tomorrow...there is so much more!