About Me

 I'm a dedicated wife to my husband Justin for 6 years now and mother to my 5 blessed children as a Stay at Home Mom. My son Cole is age 5, Brooks and Trace age 3 (Identical Twins), Brynn age 2 and our little Westin age 2 mos. 
My heart's desire is to grow nearer to Christ that I might be an instrument of ministry for Him to my family, friends and those beyond my inner circle.  I love to be creative and spend any extra time I can squeeze out doing web design, graphics, digital scrapbooks, and blogging.  We have recently been more open minded to the idea of being a QuiverFull family and are in meditation over God's calling in our lives in this way.  We recently joined a Family Integrated Church and we are LOVING it.  We desire to honor Him in all we do!