Creation and its blessings

I sit quietly in a class about Creation. The Lords greatest blessing. The birth of the Earth.  I ponder the magnitude, beauty and perfection of this place as the Lord spun and spoke it into existence with but a breath.  I sit and nurse my 7 week old newborn boy while I fill my heart with thoughts of God's GREAT love for us and the perfection that is His Holy Word.  It spills onto the pages of my Bible, the beauty that is our world, His plan, will, and ultimately Glory.  I can't put words to the feelings stirred as I imagine Day 6, Adam and Eve.  He made them. Him from dust and of his breath and her from Him.  I think of God laboring to create Adam. Not laboring in His inability to do so but rather His passion to do so.

I contemplate the way we labor to bring life into the world now, as God's creation. The squeezing, the tightening, the breathing, and the drawing near of its completion.  I breathe one last breath and as they descend I give them a name and call them "GOOD". Instantly the moaning stops and the JOY begins.

God with his hands, drawing up the dust, forming it, breathing life into it, calling it by name, and the drawing near of its completion.  GOOD He says.  The beginning of man. The perfection of the creation; all that is contained within it.
Ann too quotes this passage today:

“The letters of the name of God in Hebrew… are infrequently pronounced Yahweh. But in truth they are inutterable….
This word {YHWY} is the sound of breathing.
The holiest name in the world, the Name of Creator, is the sound of your own breathing. That these letters are unpronounceable is no accident. Just as it is no accident that they are also the root letters of the Hebrew verb ‘to be’… God’s name is name of Being itself.
~Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
With His breath, just as His name utters, we were called into being.  Given an eternal purpose and brought back into reconciliation with Him through His Son, breathed into the world that night as an infant as He is often called "the Breath of Heaven".  I think if Mary and quote Ann as she calls women "pray-ers and deep breath-ers and life-knitters, the mothers and laborers and lovers."  Mary fulfilling the prophecy and breathing into existence the Son of God.  What a wonder. 

I'm moved to think about Creation and to do so as a daughter of God. A women who also labors, prays, and knits life into being for Him.  Raising an Army of boys, arrows of truth, and 1 precious Woman Warrior and sister in the life knitting business.  The creation that began it all and the creation that has kept it spinning, growing, breathing.  It is Gods creation that stirs passion.


191.  Breathing
192. Cool Crisp air to encourage and spring life
193. Each new day as created by God "YOM"
194. A deeper understanding of Creation and a Young Earth
195. The inspiration of 6 days
196. The reminder of Gods creation in the birthing
197. Called and given a name
198. Drawing on Gods powerful hands
199. Marveling the Earth and its beauty
200. Baby Steps...slowly praising God until I get to 1000's+Earth.jpg

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