It is Monday again which is crazy! Time seems to fly these days. I don't remember time passing me as quickly when I was younger but I've noticed more now how the slips away. I've already seen a difference in my attitude since starting this new blog. My desire for Christ is stronger, my attitude more positive, and my outlook is turning up. I'm not saying it was down before I'm just saying things are already changing within me and that is effecting what comes out of me.
My world is forever full of adventure although small to some still adventure. I've been potty training the twins which I knew would be an undertaking that would either go well or not well at all. They have surprised me in that they have taken to the concept quite well and the execution is about 80%. You know boys, they get playing, distracted, and suddenly there isn't any time to get to a restroom. Trace seems particularily resistent to telling me he needs to go potty. He waits until I ask. I have finally figured out WHY! He is ultra attached to this sword that he calls his "stick sword". He carries it in his pants like using his pants waste band to hold it to his body. When he goes to the bathroom it requires removing the stick sword from his body along with his other precious item, his shoes. (In case you are wondering why the shoes, that is because we have our boys sit backwards on the potty making them feel more secure and at ease with using it. But the clothes have to come off for that). He does not want to remove his items of clothes or his stick sword. So what happens if I forget to ask? FUNNY you asked that---
Trace has established this uncanny ability to be playing outside at the precise moment he needs to go #2! So, he removes his clothes to go swimming and then suddenly he is pooping in the grass or even worse, on the patio. AGHHHH! I could scream at the sight of it now and find myself totally infuriated, although sympathetic to his predicament, that he has once again gone poop on the patio. It is a task to get it all cleaned up. Which I must do immediately b/c I have, I dare say, found them playing in it with sticks before. I know GROSS!
So, my week last week started with a few of those episodes and that seemed to snowball into a stream of them doing small things I assumed they now knew not to do. Breaking crayons, unrolling toilet paper, climbing up onto the counter, spitting out pieces of apple skin as they insist on eating a whole apple not one that is cut, trying to lift their sister or playing too rough, playing in my office when I am not in there...I'm sure you are getting the drift. I find myself just exasperated with the amount of times I repeat myself during the day! Not about things that I would consider disobedient items, those items they find themselves being disciplined for. I'm talking about just reminding them, "quiet, sister is sleeping", "no screaming", "don't run too fast in the house", "play nicely", "be kind", "eat your lunch then you can play", "stay seated", "get dressed"...
But, almost at about the same time I discovered I was feeling a little drained and redundant from day to day I started the Monday Gifts. Even now as I type I'm thinking of all the responses I feel to those things in which I am "complaining" about. I feel my heart telling, "but they play together and that is awesome", "they are loud because they are excited about life", "they get into things they know not too because they are curious". It is acutally refreshing to realize that for everything I could complain about there is an even stronger pulling positive spin to put on it. That God's JOY allows for me to find happiness, laughter, and love in all things. To look to the Father for REJUVINATION when I am feeling tired and worn out. To quickly PRAY for strength when I start to feel frustrated. I mean how many times a day can a woman get a kid something to eat and something to drink? I can tell you! LIMITLESS. With the energy of the Lord I can find JOY in my responsibilities as a Mother. I can find teachable moments that will infect my children's hearts and minds as they strive to find themselves.
I'm not perfect in this new way of looking at life. Even tonight my husband had to remind me to tone it down with my frustration over the little things and to say things more lovingly. I've grown in my ability to receive his guidance. Thank goodness for that.
I hope that as you read this you too find that you have been looking at the challenges of Motherhood with a shortsighted view. Try looking at them through God's view. Put on Micah 6:8
Act Justly, love Mercy and walk HUMBLY with your God.
Lord that I might be slow to anger, patient, and a woman with a quietness and peace. That when I speak it might be of something honoring to you. That I might lead my children to have a passion for you that only you can instill in them. That I might just be a reflection of your Glory and their need for a life with you. Help me to be transparent in my need for you and my journey of growth. That others might be encouraged to serve you. Amen
7. A wrinkled nose smile from a precious little boy
8. The smell of fresh baked bread (it doesn't have to be made from scratch)
9. The shrill of joy that comes from my children when their daddy gets home
10. Getting two more boys out of diapers!
One Thousand Gifts
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