Today I chose Cleaning as my Favorites theme because it just so happens that cleaning is my main priority today inbetween the kids, meals, and playing. It is good that I chose this theme because I am not particularily fond of cleaning although I'm desperately anal about having a clean house (as in picked up, things in their place, and free from messes and clutter). The deeper cleaning I could actually let go a lot longer than maybe most so I have to really commit myself to staying on top of it. It doesn't help that for 2 years after the twins were born I had someone coming every two weeks to clean it for me. The stuff I don't like to do like bathrooms and floors. But, in the honor of being frugal and attempting to meet our savings goal (encouraged by our commitment to Dave Ramsey's debt free plan) we have let the cleaning lady rest for a while. So now, it's ME!
So I've made my list of what I think I can actually accomplish, I've learned not to be too over zealous because the kids are my priority! I like to use that as excuse to escape the nagging chose sometimes too!
Favorite Things About Cleaning:
1. The aroma of cleaning products (although some might argue that natural, unscented is best) I appreciate the "smell" of clean
2. Having my children desire to help me clean and asking to spray and wipe, vaccum and mop. I would like to think my sons will be fairly domesticated!
3. The feeling of satisfaction that comes from getting it all done and accomplishing what I set out to do. PRODUCTIVITY
4. The feeling that comes with knowing someone could drop by at any time and I would glad to have them come in!
5. Knowing where everything is and being able to easily tell someone where to find something (I admit it isn't true about ALL things as they do tend to sometimes wander but it feels good to know I have a place for it all even if others, 4 and under, don't want to take note).
6. Watching my daughters face as I vaccum. She isn't afraid and she squeals with delight.
7. You might think this is cruel but I think it is so darn cute when someone accidentally forgets the floor is wet and manages to slip just a little while walking. Unless it is me!
8. Showing my sons the importance of hard work and encouraging them to do the same.
That is it. My list is full. I didn't have to think too hard about the above 8 but realized after that last one I'd be stretching to come up with much more! I hope any one who reads this finds JOY is reflecting upon their favorite things and starts to see their day and they time as something that is glorifying to our Lord.
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