Well it is to be expected that I would also be behind on my Favorites day which is supposed to be Thursday and SURPRISE--it is Friday! Oh well can't be too tough on myself. We've been busy around here. We recently got a membership to the YMCA here in Glendale and we've jumped right in with taking the kids to play while we exercise them the boys get to swim with Justin afterwards (which they LOVE). They are actually amazing swimmers considering swim lessons have always been a NON-FAVORITE for the kids. All 3 of them are really pretty good!
So, on to my favorites. I wanted to pick another THEME because that helped me focus my attention on things to be joyful about. You know me...I'm pretty structured.
Today I chose WAKING UP! Ha, this should be good! Waking up hasn't been so easy this past year. I've had this ongoing goal to get up before the kids do in the morning, spend some time with God in prayer and take a shower. That would just amp up and kick start my day! Makes sense right? Well, not been so easy for me. I am TIRED! So, TIRED! I am hoping that joining the YMCA and exercising, which I haven't done since I started having kids (4+ years now) would give me some energy to make this happen. So far...I'm struggling. But, I know if I spend some time really meditating on it I can find some wonderful things about WAKING UP!
Favorites about Waking Up
1. The cool weather in the mornings as the sun breaks the horizon
2. The quiet in the neighborhood
3. My children's joy in finding that yet another day has begun (they have a plan you know)
4. Hearing, "Good Morning Mommy" from my precious boys
5. Going in to get Brynn as she squeals with delight and a smile as wide as her little face!
6. Taking a long drink of some water or milk to satisfy my thirst from the night
7. Saying morning prayers with the kids over breakfast
8. FINALLY taking a shower (whenever that might happen)
9. Snuggling in bed during those mornings that I'm truly dragging myself. The kids will come snuggle and laugh
10. Knowing I have nothing to do but spend time with my children
Wow, I'm actually surprised that I had 10 with how I let myself concentrate on being tired in the morning. If I could only think about all these wonderful things instead of my personal struggle with fatigue. What a blessing that would be. I hope this has been a blessing to you.
God's word says:
"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalms 118:24
Treasure each new day!
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