One Thousand Gifts

It is Monday again which is crazy! Time seems to fly these days.  I don't remember time passing me as quickly when I was younger but I've noticed more now how the slips away.  I've already seen a difference in my attitude since starting this new blog.  My desire for Christ is stronger, my attitude more positive, and my outlook is turning up.  I'm not saying it was down before I'm just saying things are already changing within me and that is effecting what comes out of me. 

My world is forever full of adventure although small to some still adventure.  I've been potty training the twins which I knew would be an undertaking that would either go well or not well at all.  They have surprised me in that they have taken to the concept quite well and the execution is about 80%.  You know boys, they get playing, distracted, and suddenly there isn't any time to get to a restroom.  Trace seems particularily resistent to telling me he needs to go potty.  He waits until I ask.  I have finally figured out WHY!  He is ultra attached to this sword that he calls his "stick sword".  He carries it in his pants like using his pants waste band to hold it to his body.  When he goes to the bathroom it requires removing the stick sword from his body along with his other precious item, his shoes.  (In case you are wondering why the shoes, that is because we have our boys sit backwards on the potty making them feel more secure and at ease with using it.  But the clothes have to come off for that).  He does not want to remove his items of clothes or his stick sword.  So what happens if I forget to ask?  FUNNY you asked that---
Trace has established this uncanny ability to be playing outside at the precise moment he needs to go #2!  So, he removes his clothes to go swimming and then suddenly he is pooping in the grass or even worse, on the patio.  AGHHHH!  I could scream at the sight of it now and find myself totally infuriated, although sympathetic to his predicament, that he has once again gone poop on the patio.  It is a task to get it all cleaned up.  Which I must do immediately b/c I have, I dare say, found them playing in it with sticks before. I know GROSS!

So, my week last week started with a few of those episodes and that seemed to snowball into a stream of them doing small things I assumed they now knew not to do.  Breaking crayons, unrolling toilet paper, climbing up onto the counter, spitting out pieces of apple skin as they insist on eating a whole apple not one that is cut, trying to lift their sister or playing too rough, playing in my office when I am not in there...I'm sure you are getting the drift.  I find myself just exasperated with the amount of times I repeat myself during the day! Not about things that I would consider disobedient items, those items they find themselves being disciplined for.  I'm talking about just reminding them, "quiet, sister is sleeping", "no screaming", "don't run too fast in the house", "play nicely", "be kind", "eat your lunch then you can play", "stay seated", "get dressed"...

But, almost at about the same time I discovered I was feeling a little drained and redundant from day to day I started the Monday Gifts.  Even now as I type I'm thinking of all the responses I feel to those things in which I am "complaining" about.  I feel my heart telling, "but they play together and that is awesome", "they are loud because they are excited about life", "they get into things they know not too because they are curious".  It is acutally refreshing to realize that for everything I could complain about there is an even stronger pulling positive spin to put on it.  That God's JOY allows for me to find happiness, laughter, and love in all things.  To look to the Father for REJUVINATION when I am feeling tired and worn out.  To quickly PRAY for strength when I start to feel frustrated.  I mean how many times a day can a woman get a kid something to eat and something to drink?  I can tell you!  LIMITLESS.  With the energy of the Lord I can find JOY in my responsibilities as a Mother.  I can find teachable moments that will infect my children's hearts and minds as they strive to find themselves. 

I'm not perfect in this new way of looking at life.  Even tonight my husband had to remind me to tone it down with my frustration over the little things and to say things more lovingly.  I've grown in my ability to receive his guidance.  Thank goodness for that.

I hope that as you read this you too find that you have been looking at the challenges of Motherhood with a shortsighted view.  Try looking at them through God's view.  Put on Micah 6:8
Act Justly, love Mercy and walk HUMBLY with your God.

Lord that I might be slow to anger, patient, and a woman with a quietness and peace. That when I speak it might be of something honoring to you.   That I might lead my children to have a passion for you that only you can instill in them.  That I might just be a reflection of your Glory and their need for a life with you. Help me to be transparent in my need for you and my journey of growth.  That others might be encouraged to serve you.  Amen

7. A wrinkled nose smile from a precious little boy
8. The smell of fresh baked bread (it doesn't have to be made from scratch)
9. The shrill of joy that comes from my children when their daddy gets home
10. Getting two more boys out of diapers!

I found this great little snip below at At the Well...In pursuit of Titus 2 and I thought I'd put it here too for those who might read my blog to take a look! Enjoy  You can get the whole post at the link above.


Colossians tells us to "set our minds on things above, not on earthly things." We can choose to focus and keep our minds on what is making us unhappy, or we can renew our minds in the joy of the Lord, counting our blessings and thinking on the many things God has provided for our happiness- chocolate, lovely flowers, leaves turning in the fall, puppy dogs, a warm bath, a child's embrace... Philippians tells us, "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things."
We need to teach our children, and live by example, to enjoy everyday life, to have fun together, and to laugh. We must teach them that as Christians, we can experience true JOY no matter what our circumstances are. Even in sad times, even in grief, we still have joy in the Lord and who we are in Christ.
Mother Theresa said, "Joy is prayer. Joy is strength. Joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. God loves a cheerful giver. one gives most who gives with joy. The best way to show our gratitude to God and people is to accept everything with joy. A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love. Never let anything so fill you with sorrow as to make you forget the joy of Christ risen. This I tell you my sisters. This I tell you."

Verses to Pray in the Morning

Psalms 86:11

Teach me Your way, Lord,
and I will live by Your truth.
Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name.

Luke 9:23

If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.

Luke 11:3

Give us each day our daily bread.

Matthew 6:33

seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
Luke 22:42

“…not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Colossians 1:11-12
may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light.

Psalm 19:14

May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.

Thursday Favorites

Favorites Friday
Well it is to be expected that I would also be behind on my Favorites day which is supposed to be Thursday and SURPRISE--it is Friday! Oh well can't be too tough on myself.  We've been busy around here.  We recently got a membership to the YMCA here in Glendale and we've jumped right in with taking the kids to play while we exercise them the boys get to swim with Justin afterwards (which they LOVE).  They are actually amazing swimmers considering swim lessons have always been a NON-FAVORITE for the kids.  All 3 of them are really pretty good!

So, on to my favorites.  I wanted to pick another THEME because that helped me focus my attention on things to be joyful about.  You know me...I'm pretty structured. 

Today I chose WAKING UP! Ha, this should be good!  Waking up hasn't been so easy this past year.  I've had this ongoing goal to get up before the kids do in the morning, spend some time with God in prayer and take a shower.  That would just amp up and kick start my day! Makes sense right?  Well, not been so easy for me.  I am TIRED! So, TIRED! I am hoping that joining the YMCA and exercising, which I haven't done since I started having kids (4+ years now) would give me some energy to make this happen.  So far...I'm struggling.  But, I know if I spend some time really meditating on it I can find some wonderful things about WAKING UP!

Favorites about Waking Up
1. The cool weather in the mornings as the sun breaks the horizon
2. The quiet in the neighborhood
3. My children's joy in finding that yet another day has begun (they have a plan you know)
4. Hearing, "Good Morning Mommy" from my precious boys
5. Going in to get Brynn as she squeals with delight and a smile as wide as her little face!
6. Taking a long drink of some water or milk to satisfy my thirst from the night
7. Saying morning prayers with the kids over breakfast
8. FINALLY taking a shower (whenever that might happen)
9. Snuggling in bed during those mornings that I'm truly dragging myself.  The kids will come snuggle and laugh
10. Knowing I have nothing to do but spend time with my children

Wow, I'm actually surprised that I had 10 with how I let myself concentrate on being tired in the morning.  If I could only think about all these wonderful things instead of my personal struggle with fatigue.  What a blessing that would be.  I hope this has been a blessing to you.

God's word says:

"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalms 118:24

Treasure each new day!

One Thousand Gifts


Okay so week two and I'm already behind.  As you know today is Wednesday and I completely missed blogging about the gifts I've been reflecting upon.  My goal is to do it on Monday's and it should have been predictable that I would be late on the second week.  Isn't the "great distractor" like that?!  Well, it is unchangeable so here we are on Wednesday and I'm ready to pour myself into the gifts I've been embracing and meditating on. 

This past week, although distracting from getting to sit down and blog, has been really good.  I have noticed some improvement between my children and them being able to play together with less interruption of disagreements.  They have been loving to one another and comforting each other.  It is so awesome to see. 

On Sunday our Pastor started a new series on relationships and talked about the idea of community under Grace.  He gave a great picture through scripture of us being sheep and Christ as the Shepherd.  As he explained what sheep are truly about (Dumb, Diseased, and Defenseless) I felt humbled.  He talked about how the Shepherd has "tools" that help him to keep his sheep safe and protected.  The Rod is to ward off danger that might try to steal the sheep and the staff is to quickly rein in the sheep as they wander and go astray.  I thought of how in a similar way to Jesus being our Shepherd, we as parents also Shepherd our children.  We are the Sheep in our relationship to Christ and they (the children) are Sheep to us as parents.  (I'm not neglecting the fact that children are also sheep to Christ as we are but just creating a relative comparison between children and parents and our responsibility over them.) 

Children are as sheep are (Dumb, Defenseless, and Diseased).  As their parents we do not take lightly the duty of shepherding them.  My desire is that I would shepherd my children towards Christ so that He might be their Shepherd someday.  To both condition them to be shepherded and to also revere the shepherd with love, respect, and reliance.  It is all to common in today's world that young children are raised with a disrespect of authority, issues with broken families, and a sense of independence and entitlement they do not truly posses.  Thus making it all that much harder for them to come to a full knowledge of Christ and the ability to be both shepherded by Him and to develop a relationship with Him.  If I could only raise my children in a manner that would lend them the ability to be both shepherded and to grow in personal relationship with Christ that is the greatest gift I could give them.  During this process acting as the Shepherd that keeps the danger away with the Rod and reins them in with the Staff when they begin to go astray.  This, to me, is a wonderful picture of discipline.

1 last part to add as a part of the shepherds tools is oil.  I didn't know shepherds used oil.  They annoint the head of a sheep to keep flies away and to reduce the friction when the sheep but heads.  It is a picture of the spirit acting as in intercesor over us.  The spirit reduces our friction with others by touching deeply our "worldy relationships" and changing us from the inside out.  The spirit also protects us (flies).  It is the "tool" used by the shepherd that is attached to the sheeps body.  The Rod and the Staff are external methods of shepherding while the Oil is a physical method of protection.  I see the Father (the Shepherd), Son (Rod and Staff) and Spirit (Oil) acting in this same way over us as sheep.

Our pastor went on to explore the parable of the shepherd that leaves the 99 sheep in search for the 1 that is lost.  His passion and love for the 1 that is lost runs deep and he leaves the other 99 in the safety of the flock in order FIND the 1.  God is constantly pursuing us.  He is seeking to find the lost sheep and bring them back to the fold.  He knows that if they are not found they will tumble to their death.  Our pastor explained that sheep are notorious for eating their way up on to a hill that they cannot then get back down from.  Thus they plunge to their death.  They are also such followers that if 1 leads them off the edge of a cliff the rest following will also fall.  Isn't that us?  Aren't we so blinded from the truth at times that we will happily tumble to death?  I am so overwhelmed with the picture of God pursuing us until we are found.  Praise God that I am found. 

Now in response to His enduring, faithful and longsuffering love I long to serve Him with my whole heart.  I "do" those things which I know honor Him out of a response to His love.  I have already been given His love.  Christ built the bridge for me that I might spend eternity with God our of the Fathers love for us.  There is nothing I can do to earn something that is already given to me.  My part of the relationship is to serve and love Him and to love others that they might love Him.  He FOUND me!  I am smitten by HIM!

3. Loud belly rolling laughter
4. Cool Sheets when I get into bed
5. My boys hugging one another
6. Quick prayers when I feel I need help (I know my God hears me)

Check out Titus 2 at the Well today for some great tips about Mothering that posted over the weekend! God Bless you.

At the Well Blog Button

Thursday Favorites

First Day of Favorites
Today I chose Cleaning as my Favorites theme because it just so happens that cleaning is my main priority today inbetween the kids, meals, and playing.  It is good that I chose this theme because I am not particularily fond of cleaning although I'm desperately anal about having a clean house (as in picked up, things in their place, and free from messes and clutter).  The deeper cleaning I could actually let go a lot longer than maybe most so I have to really commit myself to staying on top of it.  It doesn't help that for 2 years after the twins were born I had someone coming every two weeks to clean it for me.  The stuff I don't like to do like bathrooms and floors.  But, in the honor of being frugal and attempting to meet our savings goal (encouraged by our commitment to Dave Ramsey's debt free plan) we have let the cleaning lady rest for a while.  So now, it's ME! 

So I've made my list of what I think I can actually accomplish, I've learned not to be too over zealous because the kids are my priority!  I like to use that as excuse to escape the nagging chose sometimes too!

Favorite Things About Cleaning:
1. The aroma of cleaning products (although some might argue that natural, unscented is best) I appreciate the "smell" of clean
2. Having my children desire to help me clean and asking to spray and wipe, vaccum and mop.  I would like to think my sons will be fairly domesticated!
3. The feeling of satisfaction that comes from getting it all done and accomplishing what I set out to do. PRODUCTIVITY
4. The feeling that comes with knowing someone could drop by at any time and I would glad to have them come in!
5. Knowing where everything is and being able to easily tell someone where to find something (I admit it isn't true about ALL things as they do tend to sometimes wander but it feels good to know I have a place for it all even if others, 4 and under, don't want to take note).
6. Watching my daughters face as I vaccum. She isn't afraid and she squeals with delight.
7. You might think this is cruel but I think it is so darn cute when someone accidentally forgets the floor is wet and manages to slip just a little while walking.  Unless it is me!
8. Showing my sons the importance of hard work and encouraging them to do the same.

That is it. My list is full. I didn't have to think too hard about the above 8 but realized after that last one I'd be stretching to come up with much more!  I hope any one who reads this finds JOY is reflecting upon their favorite things and starts to see their day and they time as something that is glorifying to our Lord.

Beginning My Quest to be a Titus 2 Woman

Titus 2:1-5
But you, explain what kind of behavior goes along with sound teaching. Tell the older men to be serious, sensible, self-controlled and sound in their trust, love and perseverance. Likewise, tell the older women to behave the way people leading a holy life should. They shouldn’t be slanderers or slaves to excessive drinking. They should teach what is good, thus training the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to take good care of their homes and submit to their husbands. In this way, God’s message will not be brought into disgrace.
Reading the first 5 verses of Titus 2 actually brought a few important questions to my mind.  In reference to older women training younger women to love their husbands and children, to be sel-controlled and pure, to take good care of their home, and to submit to their husbands.  Wow, that 1 sentance  describe the complete opposite of what I see going on in the world today with women.  Are older women encouraging younger women in this way?  This is directly from the WORD of the LORD.  This isn't my judgement upon my peers  as to the proper role for women.  This is God's word describing to us what women ought to be pursuing. 
I see a true lack of women encouraging other women to love their husbands.  I can't remember a show on TV in the last several years that actually depicts a woman selflessly loving her husband.  Not to say there aren't any I just don't remember any.  Somewhere along the story line a woman who is married and has children expresses exasperation with her life, maybe has an affair, sees her children as a burden and longs for a promotion in her workplace as her ultimate proof of her value (to the world).  That brings me to women encouraging women to love their children.  I can't judge someone's LOVE for her children but I can see the fruits of her labor.  Jobs, career ladder, money, travel, social elitism, popularity, and so much more often seems to take the wheel with women in our current culture.  And the older women are guiding the younger women to believe that they are accessing some RIGHT of theirs that was absent in the past and are fighting against to oppression of women.  Those women, those who have put "things" before their children, suddenly become a part of a GREAT cause in our culture and their children become something tossed aside in the wake of their efforts to succeed. 
Don't get me wrong I'm not against success or fighting for a cause or desiring to contribute to this world.  But it appears after reading scripture that all of those things are secondary or should coincide with LOVING their husbands and their children FIRST.  The scripture continues to explain that women ought to take good care of their homes and submit to their husbands.  I'm guilty of this myself.  The idea that submission in some way is offensive or lessens my value to the man.  I've come to a greater understanding of this scripture and this idea over the past few months.  Submission is something that God shares with the Son and the Spirit and neither of them is the lesser.  Of course you have to fully believe in the TRINITY to understand this idea of submission.  I'm going to save the discussion on Submission for another day.  I want to focus more on the lie the world and older women of this country are teaching the younger women about taking care of the home.  How can someone take care of their home when they spend countless hours working and striving to meet goals outside of the home.  I suppose this leaves room for defining what "taking care of the home" means.  It has many appearances in our world today.  I would say for me it means you are hands-on with your home.  Not someone who lives there, sleeps there, eats there but truly cares for all the aspects of your home including your husband and children.
God uses the term GOOD in referring to the older women teaching the younger women these things.  He says to be self-controlled and pure.  He would not encourage women to be those things if He did not think their was reason.  We, in our human nature, can quickly be out of control and lack purity.  Young women are easily misled to believe that their value comes in other, instantly gratifying forms.  What an unfortunate situation we are in with our older women and our younger women.  What will happen to this next generation of young girls?
It is hard to encourage someone to heed God's word when his WORD is so steadfastly black and white.  It seems that if you take a stand on something such as this you are instantly deemed as JUDGEMENTAL or EXCLUSIVE in a world that so enthusiastically pushes for the idea INDIVIDUALISTIC.  Anything goes.  What fits you is good.  What fits another is great.  Noone can tell you what is RIGHT.  You make your own path.  I often want to speak sarcastically or with emphasis that relates that I'm right and they are wrong.  But I know this is not God's way.  I have realized that scripture is black and white and in order for people to be receptive to that they must first see Jesus in me.  A writer for "At the Well" put it this way:
A better plan is to really believe what we believe, share it freely, and then lovingly give each other space to follow God as best we know how. We are not the ones other people have to please. They only need to please God, and He will reveal the things He wants each of us to know in His own timing.
I also want to find a way to implore to people how wonderful children are.  To view them as a "heritage from the Lord".  As I learn what it means to be a good wife that loves my husband and submits to him, I know I feel passionate about loving children.  I feel like I understand this part of being a Titus 2 woman better at this point. I'm committed to growth in my relationship with Justin and committed to growth in my mothering of my children.  I can only reflect on what God says about children.  I found this little passage where a women was commenting on her decision not to use birth control. In this piece Jesus is speaking...
“Children are a gift from Me…well, for the next 6,000 years or so. But after that, you brilliant people will come up with a way to stop them from coming. The easiest way will be with a pill that often causes mood disorders, weight gain, nausea, abdominal pain, cancer and sometimes even abortion. But don’t worry about those, this is my will for you, I just forgot to mention it when the Bible was written. And when people make rude comments about your sex lives (which I created), you should be ashamed. I mean, anyone with a brain should be on birth control.” --Generation Cedar
I'm not saying yet whether I'm finished having children, I've recently felt compelled to have more.  I need to be in prayer about that.  But I do know that for the 4 we already have what a gift they are to us and how blessed we are to have them.  I want to always see them as a HERITAGE and share that with others.
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Col. 4:6 ESV

My First Monday of Gifts

I decided to take the Gift Challenge today.  Something in me stirred as I read another woman's Monday Confessions of God's Gifts.  It was almost like God thrust me forward and I instantly felt compelled to pour out my heart about Him.  I've been blogging about my children and my family.  Often expressing both the joys and frustrations I encounter from day to day as a mother, spouse, daughter, and friend.  I would need to confess now that I've held back come when it comes to my family blog.  I've written with consideration for what one might think when reading it.  And although often candid and honest I know deep down not nearly as honest as I could be.  Today marks a new day.  God revealed to me that blogging about my family and my children is beautiful.  But, nothing is more beautiful that what I am expriencing with Him.  I long to leave my children a legacy but I realize now that can only be done if I walk more intimately with Him.  I can only guide them, encourage them, serve them and equip them for this wonderful life if I am pouring myself into my Father, my God.  It has been a process really, my discovering of this in a true way.  Our pastor has been telling us for months that we, as humans, tend to make something good the ultimate, replacing our worship for the Lord.  I struggled to admit that I was doing this with my children and my family.  Although they are precious, wonderful, and gifts from the Lord, they should not be my ultimate.  He should.  Plain and simple.  I don't mean for them to be my ultimate, I love my God.  But, with an honest heart I can say they have been the thing (surprisingly) keeping from a deeper relationship with God.  The things (babies) He gave me, the little lives He blessed me with have interfered in my walk with God.  So, my quest has begun.  To find the path to a deeper relationship with Christ.  Then to infuse that relationship into my children, my husband, and my circle of life.  I desire to be moving closer to the center of what God has designed for our lives rather than being comfortable on the rim.  I want to be a greater woman of character, integrity and passion.  I do not know what the road will hold as I begin to travel.  I know the enemy will attempt to fight me off.  Truthfully though, I don't scare easily!  With my whole heart I want to be transparent from the inside out on this journey.  I know it might offend, scare, bore, or inspire others and I'm prepared for that.
If you desire to join me on the journey and take the Gifts Challenge...let me know, I'd love to travel with you!

My First Two Gifts
1. That God whispers to us in our most noisy moments
2. The sparkling image of God in an infant innocent eyes (my daughter showed me that one today).

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

7x7-Take the Challenge

7 Prayers to pray over our children 7 days a week.  They are aligned with 7 events during the day so I would remember more easily.  You can adjust the events and/or verses to ones that are more your style or verses you especially favor.  Put them on note cards and have them accessible.  See God move!

1. When they wake up: "Let the morning bring (child's name) word of your unfailing love, for she has put her trust in You. Show (her/him) the way (she/he) should go, for to you (he/she) lifts up her soul." (Adapted from Psalm 143:8)
2. When they are getting dressed: "Therefore, as God's chosen child, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Lord, help (him/her) bear with others and forgive whatever grievances (he/she) has against others. Help (him/her) forgive as the Lord forgave (him/her). And over all these virtues, help (him/her) put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." (Adapted from Colossians 3:12-14)
3. While they are eating: "Teach (child's name) the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Teach (him/her) that (he/she) can do everything through him who gives (him/her) strength." (Adapted from Philippians 4:12-13)
4. When they go out of the house: "(Name of child), do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will." (Adapted from Romans 12:2)
5. While they are taking a bath: Lord, give (name of child) clean hands and a pure heart, and let (him/her) not lift (his/her) soul to an idol or swear by what is false. Let (him/her) receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God (his/her) Savior. Let (him/her) be part of the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. (Adapted from Psalm 24:4-6)
6. When they are going to bed: "The Lord Your God is with you; he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, be will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)
7. While they are sleeping: "I pray that (name of child) will do everything without complaining or arguing, so that he/she may become blameless and pure, a child of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which he/she shines like a star in the universe as he/she holds out the word of life-in order that he/she may boast on the day of Christ that he/she did not run or labor for nothing." (Adapted from Philippians 2:14-16)


Our Partners-Who Does Your Heart Belong To?

I wanted to start with this amzing challenge by Sarah Mae that I found at  I found it comforting, challenging and encouraging! I hope you do too.


"The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of [honest] gain or need of [dishonest] spoil. She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her." Proverbs 31:11,12

Who does your heart belong to?
Does it belong fully to your husband, or are there areas...secret places, if you will, that perhaps belong to someone else (real or imaginary)?
I want you to take a look into your emotions, those secret places, and areas that God perhaps wants to heal, change, or break so that you can give yourself fully and completely to your husband. No second thoughts, no what if's, no faltering.
"I am my lover's and my lover is mine..."

Now, you may say, “Sarah Mae, I will never leave my husband, it's not even an option. I am a loyal and committed wife.”

I'm not asking about your commitment level, I'm asking if your husband has your heart? I don't just mean most of your heart...most of your love. Does he have all of it? Perhaps you have saved a tiny piece of your heart for someone else? Maybe a past love who still resides somewhere in there? Maybe a locked chamber that holds an unknown man that from time to time knocks to come out when you read certain books or watch certain movies?

Speaking of movies, I heard a great line from one and it brings the question into focus. Read it carefully and ponder it for a minute:

"What kind of marriage will that be? Knowing I have your loyalty, but he has your heart?"

Loyalty and heart, that is what we are to give to our husbands (and they us).

If the emotional door to your heart is unlocked and you have not given your heart to your husband completely, be prepared for a possible break-in.

Below are three truths that will help you on your journey to securing your heart fully for your husband.

1. We can choose who our hearts belong too
2. We can choose how we act.
3. We can pray and God will help us.

We Can Choose Who Our Hearts Belong To

God has given us authority over our domains. One of our domains is our hearts. If there is one thing I have learned from following my heart, as opposed to guiding it in wisdom, it is that when I do I usually find myself in a mess. It's lovely to say, "follow your heart," but the fact is, our hearts are filled with foolishness.

"He who leans on, trusts in, and is confident of his own mind and heart is a [self-confident] fool, but he who walks in skillful and godly Wisdom shall be delivered." Proverbs 28:26

If you have or are struggling with your heart being tugged by the memory of someone else (or someone else in reality), know that there is hope. You don't have to be in shackles; it is possible to train your heart. Keep reading.

We Can Choose How We Act

I am by no means saying that training our hearts is easy (in fact, we can't do it on our own - more on that later). It can be painful and challenging. It is worth every battle. For me, I have been believing a lie that I could not control my heart or how I would act if I saw someone that might open the floodgates to my heart. I was scared of myself and my emotions. The emotions may come, but the truth is I can control how I act and respond. I can have a plan ahead of time. I can be grounded in the truth.

We Can Pray and God Will Help Us

Oh, I love this! How wonderful that we have a God who cares and wants to help us..heal us. He hears our cries, and if we let Him, he will deliver us from the bondage of having feelings for another man. Prayer is powerful my friend! Sometimes we just need to get alone with God, on our faces, and pray and pray and pray. Sometimes we need a friend or mentor to pray with us and over us. If you are wrestling with feelings for someone other than your husband, do not keep it a secret! Find someone you trust and tell them. You need a battle partner. If God leads you, tell your husband as well.

Abiding in the above three truths will set you on a path to emotional freedom, but...

There is another truth that I want you to know...and to really believe. The truth that who you are married to is not a mistake.