By God's grace their hearts are filled, their minds growing in capacity and their souls enriched through the learning taking place...
in a small room, in our average house, equipped with the Sword and the hearts of those who have treaded before me and put their lessons to paper creating a place at which I can somehow, reach and instruct...
we are only 3 rugged weeks into daily picking up our crosses, putting on patience and love with discipline closely knit to my side, and putting pens to paper and ears that hear onto our heads so that we might school at home...
Not just the sharpening of children but ears that hear them, a heart that feels them, and eyes that see their needs (they are not always academic needs during academic times)...
The refining and the sharpening of these arrows sharpens me as well...
The soul of a mother, often broken and lost but forever coming back to the Savior and the man he gave me to pull me through...
Oh, how I need him, the one God sent to me. His encouragement, his embrace, his love, his understanding and the victory he partner in this journey, the travels of the Christian life...
when my knees are lowly bent asking for resolve as we train up, school up, and bring up these blessings...
In His Holy Word, they are always God's blessing, a reward to His people, a sign of great wealth in the Lord...
I shall not take it lightly...Lord remind me daily...
The arrows that start out dull with only a hint of purpose must be daily sharpened that they might fight the war waged between the spirit and the world...
They cannot sharpen themselves in order that they be at the ready...they must intentionally be made equipped, showing the marks of the sharpening, glistening in the sun light as a warning of their ever ready blade...
Thine arrows sharpened are,Men under Thee to bring,To pierce the heart of enemiesWho fight against the King.
Today, yesterday, tomorrow...they are just the beginning of this adventure of schooling at home...
I am confident it will be difficult, I will be tired, at times wanting to quit, but the reward of the sharpening keeps me forging on...
to continue sharpening the arrows even when the battles victory seems distant...
for them....
for me....
for Him...
For God is the craftsman placing the arrows the hands of those He's called, to form them, sharpen them, give them the PURPOSE He has called them to. He equips the guilder with the tools they will need to sharpen each arrow for it's unique purpose. God then takes up His bow, the war is being waged even among those things unseen. He loosely grips the sharpened arrow and employs it purpose in His calling, in His kingdom. As the arrow dulls he again and again calls upon the guilder to refine and continue the sharpening process. These actions are almost happening simultaneously as the craftsman takes up His bow and the guilder sharpens the arrows. Without God as the Archer the battle will not be won. Without the guilder to sharpen the arrows the battle can never begin.
My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother; bind them continually on your heart; tie them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light. Proverbs 6