Project on Contentment from At the Well:
to practice contentment. This is a HUGE sin in my life that God has been giving me growth in, by His grace! It is so easy to get into a complaining attitude and take our blessings for granted. It is so easy to go through difficult times and doubt God’s goodness. During these times, it is important to have habits that cultivate a content and grateful attitude.
I’ve read two books recently that have been encouraging me along this journey to practice contentment.
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp was the first one. Wow, God used her writing in this book to show me the importance of giving thanks in all things, looking for His gifts.
Ann says, “Our fall was, has always been, and always will be that we aren’t satisfied in God and what He gives.” God showers blessings on us, but yet we aren’t satisfied. We always want more. However, this kind of life can lead to nothing but deeper feelings of lacking and discontent.
Ann’s book tells us about how we can fight against discontent and live fully for God by learning the skill of gratitude, more specifically by counting God’s gifts (We had this challenge already). Gratitude helps us become more content, because we see how blessed we are, and it also helps us to build our trust in God!
The second book that I’ve read recently is The Greener Grass Conspiracy by Stephen Altrogge. The tagline is finding contentment on your side of the fence.
This was the perfect book to read as I continue to learn more about and seek to live my life with contentment. Stephen says, “Biblical contentment is not rooted in circumstances but in the infinitely stronger foundation of God himself.” This is the key!
We cannot live content in and of ourselves. We must seek God. We must see Him blessing us. We must realize that His will is good for us and trust Him.

Sounds of Summer Rising-One Thousand Gifts
The cold is warming, melting the bite of the early mornings and the heavy blankets covering the beds...Summer is fast approaching...
It brings a new life...a transition of sounds in the yard...splashing waters upon the ground from an overflowing pool...
As quickly as the summer comes, the children grow...there is hope in the changing of seasons, joy in the growth of babies...grace in the steady of God through it all...
246. Warming Sun
247. Filling Pools
248. Crystal Clear Waters
249. Sun Kissed Baby Bodies
250. Squeals of laughter from the water
251. Warm Summer Mornings on the Patio
252. Riding bikes at night
253. Boys playing in the trees
254. Grass Stained Socks
255. Shedding the jeans
256. Tank Tops and Pontytails
257. Blankets in the grass
258. Brothers in warm beds
259. Sister in skirts
260. The kissing of God's creation
Matters of the Heart
Oh my have the last few days or even weeks maybe even months been a challenge.We are in a "crashing period" with the twins. I'll explain.
I was told by my mother long ago that children often ebb and flow in six month spurts between falling in line, being compliant and displaying obedience with joy. Then six months of pushing the limits, walking the fine line and teetering on the edge.
At the time she shared this with me I giggled. My first son was small, not old enough yet to exhibit such extremes. I was naive to the wonderful bliss and sweaty work of training and growing up boys into men (and 1 sweet girl).
Now, almost 6 years later, this ebb and flow is clear to me. They are like crashing waves and shifting tides.
Their ability to live at full blast each day brings challenges and joy. During the "crashing waves" period of time I find myself cycling through reminders, instructions, warnings, discipline, and a breath of air. I say, "when you are done with something put it back", "we don't leave Popsicle sticks on the carpet, you know where the trash is", "don't each boogers find a Kleenex", "please flush", "no need to scream in the house, you can play outside", "remember the baby is sleeping, don't slam the toilet lid down", "we are taking a nap today, just like yesterday", "please don't whine it doesn't change anything", "no we can't wear the same clothes for four days", "sorry your socks feel funny", "I don't know where your shoes are I didn't wear them last", "please get off the floor, just talk to me", "don't scream, don't scream, don't scream please!!!". I really could go on and on.
They seem to fight with each other more, struggle sharing, speaking kindly, finding compromise, and hearing any answer except what they want to hear. Their hearts are raw, their flesh loud, and in turn our lives seem crazy.
It is during this "crashing period" I must dive deep and keep my eye upon the training of their hearts. Reflecting grace, forgiveness, patience, love, all while setting a firm line and acting quickly to disrespect so as to not leave even a glimpse of opportunity for the devil set a foothold to their hearts.
I'm flawed in this process. I yell sometimes. I cry sometimes. Frustration runs deep and in the quiet of the evening exhaustion comes quick. Emotionally and physically I am drained. Spiritually it is a battleground. I must remember to tap into the All Powerful love of Jesus. I must remain steadfast in His will and love, it is what matters. I attempt to show my children His grace in my life. Ask for forgiveness of them in my shortcomings. Remember to put off self and put on love even when I am weak. I want to do better. I pray to grow with each cycle. It always comes on so quickly and leaves just as quickly before I can barely get my footing at times.
Then something happens and the tide shifts and my boys, although still loud, crazy and living at full throttle, are sweeter, softer, more compliant, less whiny, "yes mom", "okay mom", "mom, I want to be a soldier for God", "are you proud of me mom?", "I shared mom, see?". Their hearts are quieter and they are in a state of "new" composure.
It is in this "quiet cycle" I see glimpses of the hard work paying off. Their hearts are soaking up the lessons, putting on Jesus, and their spirits thirst for Him, being made in His nature, even when the "crashing cycle" seems so much louder. God is calling them. He is molding them. Even through my flawed and failed delivery at times. He is bigger than me.
Thank God!!!
I remember it is their heart that matters most. Not following all the rules, although that is nice and in most cases safer. The rules and expectations are in place for my own sanity as much as for their training. But, we cannot miss the heart. We must focus on the lessons of the heart...will they thirst for Christ? Do I even give God a chance to teach and call to them through my flawed life by talking about Him, walking with Him, and exhibiting Grace b/c of Him?
I am the lighthouse to this crazy, wild, crashing, sometimes calm, ocean. Even as the tides change the need for the lighthouse remains. It is not just a wild ocean that has need of a lighthouse but the ocean no matter its state. There are rocks ahead. There is danger. God has placed these children into my care, as the lighthouse, to bring them Home. He is the light.
What an awesome picture.
Lord, help me to be the mother you have called me to be to these precious children. That during both the crashing and quiet cycles I can reflect your light to their lives. That grace, forgiveness, love, and faithfulness would abide in our home. That the lighthouse you have created me to be would bring them safety and a place to call home. Help our home to be a compass that guides them to you.
Help me to be a good mother to boys. Help me to train up a lady in Brynn.
Excerpt from M.O.B. Society:
I've been considering the ways in which God is faithful to me. I can reflect back and see the path he scored for me even in the wandering and questioning. God is so faithful.
In our culture definition Faith is:
Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal..
In II Timothy 3:1-5, the apostle Paul describes the spirit of people at the end of the age:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
They seem to be a picture of what all mankind will be like in the last days...a foreshadowing of how raw and simply broken we are.
In the same way we train our children, draw out of them the sin and pour into them the Love of Jesus and the fruit of His spirit so they might shed this exact list of sin above...Christ too pours into us. Drawing out of us our sinful nature and replacing it, little by little sometimes, with Him.
I found these comments upon faithfulness:
When counseling a person for baptism, the ministry almost always takes him through Luke 14:26, where Jesus states unequivocally,
If anyone comes to Me and does not hate [love less] his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.Faithfulness hinges upon what we value as important combined with commitment. Humans have a powerful tendency to be faithful to what they think is truly important, be it a family name, spouse, friendship, employer, school, athletic team or even certain things like a make of automobile.
Faithfulness hinges upon what we value as important combined with commitment....WOW! This is amazing.
God loves me so much and has such an awesome plan for me that He has been committed to me even when my heart is far and my sin is raw, like a child. His value for me is high.
When something is of value to us it becomes worthy of our time, efforts, affection, and pursuit. We, like God being made in His image, are maneuvered by those things of value to us.
The meaning to us is clear. We must love Christ supremely, or we do not love Him much if at all. If we are not willing to give up all earthly possessions, forsake all earthly friends, and obey Him above all others—including our own carnal desires—to be faithful to Him, our attachment to Him is tenuous at best.
Through our steadfast devotion, faithfulness, to Christ we will then be a foreshadowing of His love for us to others. To be men who are reliable, faithful.
In his commentary on Galatians, William Barclay writes, "This word (pistis) is common in secular Greek for trustworthiness. It is the characteristic of the man who is reliable" (p. 51).
Other synonyms include dedicated, steadfast, devoted, dependable, accurate, true, conscientious, dutiful, careful, scrupulous and thorough.
One Thousand Gifts-Reflecting on the Cross
I've felt uninspired. Somewhat lacking in anything I would consider elegant speech. Words are missing. I've been silent for a few weeks. The preparing of Easter & experiencing Lent seemed to leave me dry for words. The growing and tending to children in the hours of both day and night as my husband is away also making for a quiet spread.
I sometimes think to myself that I will stay up at night when the little voices are tired and laid to rest in their beds. Heads heavy on the pillow from a long day of playing...inside, outside, upside down!
Their laughter fills our home (at times their fighting too) and I look forward to the quiet moments in the dark that I have while my husband is away. Then the time comes and I'm too tired for words.
When the words come smoothly to my lips or should I say my fingertips I joyfully spill them out onto this blank white canvas. When I struggle to find them I resist, holding back from exploring the struggle. I tend to wait for it to pass.
God knows me. He knows of my inability to fake inspiration. He knows I will sit quiet. I think He calls me to this quiet or at the least uses it to Glorify Him. He calls me to the periods of time away from this blank page and to the tending of more significant things.
My husband has been spending many hours away from home, working diligently to provide for us. This causes me to focus in on those things that are most important when he is home. Time with us, me the kids, time to rest (which he would say comes last!), church fellowship, friends, reflecting on God's gifts to us. There is much to do when a man spends many hours away from home. It draws a sort of silence upon the things that aren't as important.
They follow without question. They see no reason to require proof, ask unanswerable questions, wrap their minds around the "magic" of it all. They simply follow Him and Love Him. To have a faith like a child...
I had planned to do a Passover meal with them. Bought a beautiful plate, cup, and platter set from Then, as the day approached I felt the Lord quiet me again. There is much time as they grow to experience all the significance of Easter. It will come again. This year just be WITH them...
My longing to establish traditions was trumped this year with silence and quiet.
We did spend some time, while daddy was here, reading the Trail to the Tree provided by Ann, discussing how Adam and Eve's sin caused the need for Christ to die. They listened long and thought deeply of His Love.
I normally would be so uncomfortable with not finishing the Trail to the Tree. I like to start and finish something. I feel wrong when we don't or can't. But this time I again felt God soothe my heart. It's okay. It's about me...
Today is Monday and on Monday we consider God's blessings...His gifts in our life. Mine are abundant...and He is is about Him.
236. Quiet moments to draw in Grace
237. The trail to the tree (and the learning that happens each season with it)
238. Sunny days, not too hot, with running little feet on the pavement
239. Seasons (things come and go and with it bring God's will)
240. Nail scarred hands
241. Christ doing what He said He would do, those thing prophesied long ago
242. The learning in the quiet
243. Lacking-Inspiration giving way to new things
244. Strawberries and red stains on little fingers
245. Light dispelling the dark
Meditating on Lent
This was my first time...
A virgin voyage into the unknown...
The giving up to gain more of Him...
The forming of a new habit through the letting go of another...
It changed me.
I was tempted towards pride but resisted strong...
Pride sneaks in and makes us the victor when it is Christ that is victorious for us...
For I have sinned and fallen short of God's glory...
Tempted to sin even in the moment I am considering my sins death upon the cross...
A reminder of my fallen state, my distance from Him without Christ...
I can do nothing without Him...
Apart from Him all things fail eternally...
Remember Him even when pink bunnies, chocolate and colorful eggs meet your eyes...
Taking the glory and making it a mockery...
Remember Him...
His walk towards the cross...
Each time I sat at the computer I hesitated, wanting to click to see "my friends"...
Intention was the word of those 46 days...
I see clearly His sacrifice through my small, inadequate one...
It is almost comical that I gave up "friends" in order to see Jesus more clearly...
They cloud my day...
Fog my mind...
Distract me from my true calling...
The littles.
It was good...
Those days....
46 days to the Cross...
46 days to rediscover His Love...
His Love...
The Beginning-Printable Number 1
I've been inspired to create some printables to both encourage, inspire, and spice up your home. I was encouraged these past few weeks by some bloggers out there that dedicate creativity and time to provide printable art. I realized, "I can do the same". I've been using Photoshop for some time now and I'm shocked I didn't think of doing something like this sooner.
I tend to use PS for websites, graphics, logos, t-shirt art etc. but haven't ever considered making things other people might want to download and use in their homes. I would love to do digiscrap stuff but can't fathom the time it would take me and my first duty is to be the keeper of my home. So, printables take far less time to produce and I'm excited to post my first one!!
If you click the image above you will be taken to 4shared where you can download the color combo that suits your style best. Whether it be for a child's room, your family room, your bathroom, your office, etc. Hopefully you find something that you like.
I gathered some of my favorites and had them printed at Costco. While picking them up I purchased four frames (they come in two packs) for $14.99. I split up the prints into the four frames, layering ones I wasn't putting at the front behind the rest so I could just rotate them throughout the year. We hung the frames on the wall by the kids desks. Some of them we will refer to while schooling, others are just inspirational. I LOVE the way it turned out! I'll post a a picture tomorrow.
If you want to make a special request I can do that too. Just email me:
chelsea martin 1 (a) yahoo (dot) com (NO SPACES)