Recently my husband and I have been talking about our health insurance. We are blessed to receive health insurance through is company and compared to most they really take care of us. The company covers a large portion of managements premiums. We are thankful for their generosity.
But, we've been considering our need for health insurance in the typical way. We don't like so many things about it. Paying monthly only to pay more when we need the coverage (co-pays), deductibles, minimums, maximums, conventional medicine, etc. It is all just a little OTT for me.
I've talked in the past about our divergence to conventional medicine. Trying to steer clear of as many antibiotics, prescriptions, medicines, and body part removal therapies as possible. See my blog on Vaccines here. Recently we added regular, weekly chiropractic care for our whole family to our health regiment.
Chiropractic care simply give credit to the fact that God created the spine and the spinal cord and brain as the life source for the body. Everything functions based upon the spine and the brains ability to communicate properly with the body. All of our nerves which are the communicators, come from the spine outward. If the communicators are getting the proper signal then the rest of the body can do its functions to their best ability.
So we are seen regularly to keep our spines and our nerves in positive communication. I'm not talking about a chiropractic doctor that takes five minutes, cracks your neck and takes your $40. Dr. Dan takes x-rays, does a diagnostic for subluxations (interference to the nervous system due to spinal twisting), discusses concerns regarding your health, etc. Then you are set up on a payment plan for treatment for, hopefully, your whole family. Once you've begun your treatment plan the goal is wellness. The wellness plan then reduces your monthly cost while your whole family can still visit the chiropractor weekly or whenever they need (getting sick, fall, etc.) with no visit fee.
Since seeing the chiropractor our whole family has been able to avoid the rampant sickness that has been going around this winter. We've had some sniffles, a fever for half a day fighting off the bug, then back to normal without missing a beat. It has been incredible.
Well the plan to see the chiropractor did take some prioritizing financially which got us thinking about how often we visit a traditional doctor and really how much we spend on medical each month/year. It really is low. We don't vaccinate so we avoid spending co-pays on well visits etc. Ear infections are treated, most of the time, with garlic or vinegar. We use probiotics to keep the kids guts healthy and their immune system strong. When we feel the sickies coming on we try and clear it out with colostrum pills/powder, garlic, and chamomile tea.
So as you can imagine we realized the health insurance might not be what we really need. What we really need is catastrophic insurance and to be a cash paying customer the rest of the time. Cash paying customers really do get discounts on the services and the cost is much reduced.
We could save our monthly health insurance cost and put the money towards things we really need it for. Sounds good to me, where can we do that?
Actually we found THE BEST place.
Samaritans Ministries. Oh My Gosh. I can't believe I didn't know about this before. But, God is faithful and he planned for us to hear about it now and in this time and place. So I am so excited.
I'll try and give a quick run down but you should check it out yourself.
SM was started in 1994 and is now made up of more than 15,000 families. Coming from Galatians 6 where families ought to bare their own burdens and those of their Christian brothers, SM provides a unique opportunity to bless others while also being blessed in return when the need arises.
We ought not rely on the government and organizations that give thousands to companies who support abortion, conventional medicine, etc. such as modern insurance companies. We should be taking care of one another and the needs of His church within the church body. Therefore SM works in a unique way to fulfill the biblical model of community.
You pay some registration fees up front to get set up with SM. Then monthly you are responsible for your medical needs that are less than $300. Dr. visits, stitches, prescriptions, etc. that fall under the $300 threshhold. If you have a bill or estimated cost of care that exceeds the $300 your notify SM. They then notify, via their monthly newsletter, the thousands of participants they have. Participants then send their monthly cost ($320) to you to cover your costs until your bill is paid. In this case you do not have to first pay the $300 of your bill yourself. The whole bill is covered by participants.
Likewise, monthly you receive the newsletter telling you, as a participant, where to send your monthly cost ($320) and to whom it will bless for their medical bills.
Each month you will pay $320 to someone somewhere to cover medical cost. But, when the need arises, pregnancy, surgery, ER visit that exceeds $300, Midwives, Home Birth, will receive the money to cover your costs and pay your bill.
Doesn't that sound awesome...
It totally eliminates all the paid months you give to an insurance company in which the funds are unused by you but used by the Insurance companies for constintuent payments, donations, business, etc. Insurance is a billion dollar business you know?
Instead you know your money is aiding and assisting someone in the body of Christ, His church, with their personal and family needs. SO AWESOME.
I'm of course not sure exactly how it will all come out in the end considering we are not yet signed up and haven't experienced it first hand. But, I've read many reivews and visited their website...I'm sold!
A most excellent review and informative discussion can be found here: Generation Cedar

Biblical Community
She-pherd Mother
I feel like a Tiger in my home from time to time. I spend some days wandering behind the children rearranging toys, picking up muddied socks from the grass with green stains sooo deep I'm sure they'll never come out, and making meals for them only to have them zip down from the table and out the door again. I cherish the moments but at times find they overwhelm me to the point of losing patience with simple things. Then the Tiger...
My voice raises over the noise and the commotion, I feel the stirring inside my belly rising up with frustration...
they are fighting again. Not sharing. Not loving, Not listening to one another...tattling and whining...
The Tiger...
I strive to be more like the lamb. I ache to keep it together, take a deep breath, hold it in and breath it out with love.
Build them up...try to build them up...say words that make them stronger...
I'm stirred by Ann's remark:
The miracle that spun them into existence and the calling they have in their journey is not unto me or my satisfaction but God's.
They have never been given to me for my own joy or my own success. Rather we are the ones called to give. They are simply the gifts.
With all my heart I desire for them to honor God. Obedience, respect, love, gentleness, self control, joy, peace, patience, kindness...for Him. Wonder, experience, discovery, soaking long in a story, imagination sparked, possibilities endless...I lay myself down to lift them up.
but He speaks of lamb mothers with the heart of the Lion of Judah who lay down their lives for the sheep.
I am the mother, the giver, the sacrifice...
How can I do that when I am sometimes a Tiger rather than a Lamb mother.
Finding grace...Today I search for Grace in God's arms. I try to cover myself in His grace, begin fresh and stir the Lamb mother laying to sleep the Tiger.
I fear I must do this with intention...daily. It comes too quickly some days. Especially those lonely days alone, with no daddy to interrupt the day. How they LOVE that daddy.
Rising each morning, praying for His grace, laying to rest the Tiger, and mothering the lambs...
Laying down my life that they might truly live...
And in that I may truly LOVE which has been my longest dream.
Giving Up
It is hard to form a new habit and even harder to break one. Leaping into this new year with my mind set on forming New Habits (Prayer for my husband, my children, and reading Colossians) I neglected the approaching 40 days in which I was to surrender and sacrifice a habit already formed and molded into my life.
Day 3 and I already see God's perfect timing with this sacrifice. He whispers to me encouraging words when I sit in the familiar chair, click the drop down menu and hesitate on FACEBOOK before moving past and clicking somewhere else.
It is in that moment I remember my pledge. I remember my savior.
Even if for a moment, I take a breath and hold tight to His sacrifice for me.
I think about the letting go and taking in of it all and the daily, hourly reminder at times, of what it is all about. I consider that even in the failing there is much to be learned.
To fail (which I pray I can hold fast as I have not yet failed but the road is long) would only remind me of my depravity and humanity and my utter need for Him in ALL things. To fail would still lead me to the Cross...
isn't that where I am wanting to go?
To the foot of the Cross
To the earth under His feet
I think about the Samaritan Woman:
The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of a woman of Samaria?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, give me a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water!” (John 4:9-10)
I like how the writer puts it on Lent and Beyond:
"Jesus says to the woman, “If you just knew the gift of God and who I am, you would ask me-you would pray to me!” There is a direct correlation between not knowing Jesus well and not asking much from him. A failure in our prayer life is generally a failure to know Jesus."My sacrifice, small in comparison to His, is a reminder each day to pray. To Praise. To walk with Him.
And, in that walking, praising, and praying I might get to know Him more.
Letting go of something small in my day has opened up a new opportunity to strengthen my New Habits I committed to form. Two of them being prayer. What an awesome, divine, opportunity God has given to me these next forty days.
Walking the Road to the Cross
I close my eyes and I try to imagine what those final days were like for Christ as He entered into Jerusalem hailed as a King on a lowly, humble Donkey, knowing deep the wounds that would soon pierce his skin and the nails that would purge sin from the world.
I can easily feel the emotions Mary must have felt as her Son, The Son (an experience I couldn't even begin to imagine), the one birthed pink from her womb that night in the stable while she was but a girl, is being led to the Cross scourged and stained with red.
My throat swells and I swallow hard as I consider her pain, as her pain reflected his pain and oh how we even wince when our little ones fall or scrape a knee and yet her son, The Son, bled freely and poured fourth grace and mercy with each drip that ran His skin.
I can taste the dust, hear the hails of hatred poured out towards Him while He carried His cross on broken, bleeding, barely hanging skin.
Look what we are capable of?
The atrocity of it, His dearly beloved, capable of such hate, anger, and evil. Oh how He must weep...
So it begins today...remembering
I remember
I draw it in
I close my eyes and listen
I remember His sacrifice
I remember His Love
I remember Him
Walking the path towards the cross with Him as Lent begins today...
Spending the next forty days sinking deep into my depravity and lingering long with His love.
Out to with Simplicity
It is no secret that I have long dreamed of moving our family somewhere less "city" like and more "farm" like. Although I do not foresee myself as a farmers wife per say, in the traditional way, I desire for our children and our family to experience a simpler life; a life more focused on Him. I want our life to be physically more Organic and spiritually more Organic.
I'm not sure why I think being away from the city would provide a greater opportunity to spend time with and grow in the Lord as a family, but I do. We don't even really live in the hustle and the bustle of typical "city" life. But, we do not live in the "country" where my children would have more responsibilities and our life would be harder work which builds more character.
I often imagine being in the "country" to instill in my children a greater compass for life. It gives roots, direction, and a source of Love to call home.
So in my dream we have some acreage, space to grow and play and make memories together. We can plant a large garden, own some chickens, goats, and maybe a horse. I would love to have a horse. Lots of green grass and tall trees. A simple yet large enough house to home school and be together as a large family. In my dream we get to drench our children with God's majesty and grace and show them how to live a life less cluttered and full of hard, rewarding work.
I desire for my children to learn responsibility, respect for hard work, training for good character and working with their hands. I want them to appreciate caring for something, providing for something beyond themselves, and serving one another. I desire for them to have a strong sense of direction and purpose with One True North.
Then God reminds me, with a sweet whisper, that it begins with me, here. Location can often provide greater opportunity but I must equip them in these things regardless of location. I must turn their hearts towards Him in our present moment with our present pasture and find the blessings they ought to appreciate here in this place. That I would find our way to the lessons the farm would give.
I need to be a shepherd here not wait till then.
I hear God's words to me as He speaks about sheep:
"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." --Isaiah 40:11
"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." --John 10:14
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." --John 10:11
I think about my dream. I feel God has placed it into my mind. I can see my children laughing, playing, growing, loving, serving, worshiping...I'm driven back to the present and hear God calling to me...
Through prayer and the softly spoken words of Mark Hamby I realized something wonderful today:
The dream, a new pasture, a yearning placed into my heart by God, is not yet fulfilled but has much to teach me. The things I desire from the "location" can begin here in this, current "pasture". I MUST plant, nourish, and prepare my children this place. I MUST learn how to clothe myself in Compassion this place. I have MUCH to learn here before we might go there, if God ever places us there. The dream gives way to the vision of the life I desire to give my children but it is not about "location", it is about Who we Follow and What we live for.
God places us in charge over the planting but He does the growing.
Compassion in the greek means: safe, protective and full of nourishment. As a noun it literally means "womb".
In order to touch their hearts for Him, in any place or time (this pasture or the next), I must exemplify Compassion and speak to their hearts. New Compassions each morning.
21 Days of Prayer
Join Brooke author of Prayer Warrior ebook for 21 days of prayer for our sons.

Maybe you only have one boy amongst a sea of estrogen and you just can’t figure out how to respond to your boy in a way that affirms all that is good about his masculinity.
There are so many books out there today on the topic of parenting boys that I can’t count them. Nor do I have time to read them all. But even if I did, reading these books and putting the solid tools in them to work still doesn’t come with guarantees.
Knowing this, it becomes quite clear that there is only one thing we can do…
Plead with God.
“The fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17.
It’s our hope.
21 Days of Prayer for Sons is a prayer challenge for mothers of boys based on the eBook Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most.
Beginning April 1, 2011 and ending April 29, 2011, 21 Days of Prayer for Sons will be held on weekdays here at in a new Warrior Prayers home (coming soon)! Every day, for 21 days straight we will blog about specific pieces of your son’s life, taken from the 21 areas where boys need prayer the most in the Warrior Prayers eBook. For example:
The first day we will talk about the importance of teaching our sons obedience and pray the prayers for obedience over them all day long. Each topic of prayer lists ten specific prayers, crafted from scripture, that help you address your son’s heart. So you’ll be committing to pray for your sons TEN times a day for the next 21 days, in 21 different areas.
Each Friday I will provide bloggers with an opportunity to link-up posts about how God is moving through the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons experience. But anyone, bloggers and non-bloggers alike can participate and share how God is working in their family by leaving comments throughout the challenge.
1. Purchase your own copy of Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most (just $5.97)
2. I recommend getting your copy of the eBook bound or placing it in a 3-ring binder so that you can easily flip from page to page and leave your book open all day to the topics you’re currently praying.
3. Commit to praying for your sons ten times a day for 21 days straight. (Note: this IS a commitment. If you feel led to participate, pray and ask the Lord to give you the strength, courage and endurance needed for the length of the challenge).
4. Show up at the new Warrior Prayers home (announcing specific location soon!) every day between April 1 and April 29 for encouragement and commit to leaving encouragement for the other boy moms participating.
Servants Hearts
Day Two: May our sons do unto others as they would have others do unto them (Luke 6:31)
Day Three: May our sons love one another with brotherly affection, outdoing one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10)
Day Four: May our sons have love in their hearts that is patient and kind, does not envy or boast, is not arrogant or rude, does not insist on its own way and is not irritable or resentful (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)
Day Five: May our sons show sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8)
Day Six: May our sons live with their wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7)
Day Seven: May our sons know how to control their own bodies in holiness and honor (1 Thessalonians 4:4)
Staying Attached to the Vine
He grows in strength as I ignore the pulling. It gives him satisfaction that I've avoided the struggle. It is only God's grace that keeps me attached to the Vine. He supernaturally holds me tight to His strengths supported by the roots of being God and having divine power over him, the smaller, weaker one. I often even avoid saying his name (the devil). It is His strength that keeps me strong for my own strength quivers under pressure and often lets go.
I forget to pray today for my children and my husband, one of my goals to forming a new habit this year and the seed of failure sets in. he (the devil) tells me I am not worthy, I'm too busy, and if I'm not perfect I must not deserve it, I can't do it.
He's been whispering that to me my whole life. Perfection deserves and failure, inconsistency, does not. I feel him pulling me from the Vine. He had Victory for a moment in regards to Colossians in a Year. I failed to memorize God's word. I tried and tried and I couldn't tuck it into my brain. What has come easily before slipped right out from under me. I would read and read and yet not retain. Slipping, slipping...
It is easier to let it go and pretend I never tried then to try and fail. But, I realize the moment that matters in now.
Does it matter that I can't memorize or matter that I breath His word into my life? That He becomes the breaths I take...
I want to breath...breath YHWH
Hear Him breath words of Life into me
Feel Him near
Life doesn't seem to go nearly as well without Him near
So, I begin again. Praying for my children, praying for my husband, taking the time, breathing the breaths of life, speaking the words that build others up.
And I Colossians from the beginning. Start Anew
The moment is now...
new habits draw nearer...
And I want to be attached to the Vine. To be fed, nourished, held close, and protected by the Life that comes from the Vine.
[In] the whole of world history there is always only one really significant hour — the present…
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Family Church and Growing towards God
God recently moved from what was previous a whisper to a shouting in our hearts. We've always known God had something special for our family but we are now confirmed in this truth. From the beginning we have been walking a road unlike so many others. I hope to inspire others towards the same greatness God has to offer.
Justin spent many hours listening to Voddie discuss the rewards and commands that come to and from a Father who leads, teaches, and trains his children in the home and takes responsibility for that training throughout the course of a child's day, week, year. The spirit moved in Justin's heard as he held his hands raised high, open beckoning the Lord to cover his family with power, prayer and protection. He begged God to provide a path.
The task of bringing up children to know Jesus ought not be left to the, although most often caring and loving hands, of Sunday School volunteers. The task is not that of the mother's alone. It cannot be done sufficiently by a grandmother or grandfather who are filling in for the living, available parents. We felt challenged to take the training of our children VERY SERIOUSLY. Still trying to see what that would look like and how it would unfold.
The icing to what had become a loud calling by God were the statistics regarding children being raised in Christian homes in our current culture. Here are just a few:
Just these simple facts, coupled with our experience at the Home school convention and the moving of the spirit in our hearts regarding our children caused our entire focus as a couple, parents and children of God to change.
And so, the slow process of redefining what our home would look like as Christians and followers of Jesus. We began with planning Family Worship. We then made the final decision to Home School and began preparations to do so. Then, again, Justin searched for a local Family Integrated Church that we might attend as we seek to teach and train our children to follow Jesus. What seemed to be a miracle one Sunday morning as Justin felt called to try something else, he found a local, nearby Family Integrated Church. They were meeting right down the street from our house. God has grace.
And so, we gathered our children and attended Family of Faith for the first time. Only about 12 families attend the church and everyone stays together for teaching and worship. There is no Sunday school. We LOVED it!
It is made up of home schooling families, people who value and cherish children and many families who have an abundance of them, along with strong male headship and a passion for a biblical rooted family.
It is simple. It is about Jesus. It is about training up children and being the church. God's whisper became a loud calling we pray we have responded in a way that pleases Him. We are blessed to be where we are. May God's mercy continue to bring us Closer to Him!