Walk with Him Wednesday
Parenting...oh the daily and momentary thoughts of my life. Even as I sit here now in a quiet house filled with sleeping eyes and peaceful hearts I feel the child stirring within my womb and consider my calling in his life.
Days and hours my husband and I have spent contemplating our calling as parents. There is no question we believe children come directly from God, blessings in the purest form, given to us only to be directed back to the Father. Given to Him wholly and completely by continually inviting them back to God's throne. It is our duty to reflect His Love, His Grace, His Mercy, His adoration for them.
We've come to imbed into our hearts our calling as transformers, teachers, shepherds. Truly to know what shepherding our children is about and to then put into practice, consistently and lovingly with kindness and tempered hearts, has been our hearts desire. Heart transformation in our children rather than behavior modification is our newly coined term. They must be molded into servants.
How can we do that when we are sinful still? Their models? God has called us so we listen and we go. But I often wonder if I spoil the very thing my heart desires to do in my children? Can God call them unto Himself despite my fallen and redeemed state?
Patience I must pray for. Kindness I must seek in times of trouble, mess, or frustration. Understanding, listening, lingering, holding, seeking their hearts desire, redirecting, and refocusing. Then to do it all again come morning.
I am my own mountain. If I could have confidence in what God has been teaching me, prayerfully seek His strength to do it, and then trust in His ways...
That is the key. Prayerfully Parenting my Children. Why do I so often forget that. Where does prayer go in my day?
My Lord has laid out a perfect plan for me to raise my children. To offer them unto Him. I must seek Him first in order to find it.
Father help me to parent in your light, in your path, with your kindness and grace. To keep voices soft, words eager to encourage and uplift, transforming hearts for you and unlocking biblical truths for my children.
Blessings from My Father
Holy Experience has challenged me in ways I cannot explain. As I read Ann's words I come to my knees. I feel she is speaking into life My HEART. On Wednesday she wrote this telling piece:
Too often, sadly, I want product, others to see product, so they can see: I have worth. Stinking idols.
This, I think this is why I struggle to stop to pray at fixed times throughout the run of a day. This is why I struggle to play and love and make kids memories and laughter the priority. If I stop doing, will I have merit? Will I still exist if I stop the producing?
How do I forget that I actually exist more, fully, wholly, when I do that which I was made for?The things done in love, this the only work in our lives that will last forever.
So Abba Paul knew. The product is secondary…. Perhaps even pointless. It’s the prayers, the relationship, the love while doing the work, that hold the meaning, the merit. I have time to read another chapter, tell another story, make another batch of cookies because the process of prayer and love in our work is our only real product.
That process may not be seen when walking in the back door. Worship. Communion. Love. Prayer, hidden and intangible, it is the day’s true product, it’s ultimate purpose.
I'll whisper the mantra that orders all priorities:
..go straight to God... After all, he's famous for great and unexpected acts; there's no end to his surprises.