This morning I read 1 Timothy Chapter 2, and although I've read it many times before, mostly in my youth prior to being a mother, I read it this morning in a completely different way. I was compelled to do some more research on Pauls statement concerning women being saved though childbearing. What I found was wonderful.
The passage reads:
9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
I'm assured that in this age when women read this passage they are initially quite offended. We've been foolishly led to believe by our culture that a women is EQUAL, AS CAPABLE, AS EQUIPPED, and AS DESERVING as men. These are lose terms used in the context of women attempting to raise what they consider a belittle social status. Through the recent momentum this quest has had over the last several decades (although this notion was not uncommon even at the time Paul writes 1 Timothy as women even then were attempting to be leaders, teachers, and have authority in the church arena.) I believe we are only now beginning to see what latent effects this movement has taken upon our homes, children, marriages, and society.
Women (in general in this time) no longer seem to revere the duty of being a wife and mother. They see it as frail and weak with much greater accomplishments to be had. I've read countless articles in which our "community" sees families who embrace traditional values (such as those found in the Quiverfull movement or being a Stay at Home mom) as less cultured and radical with an amount of naivity to the real world.
I was reading an article specifically talking about women who embrace Quiverfull and the author stated (paraphrase) that those women are often living in poverty, barefoot and pregnant, living only to raise children and serve their husband. With a critical spirit the author obviously did not think that this place for a women was of any value.
I believe the complete opposite. Being a woman who serves her husband, submits to his authority, raises children, and loves God is the most empowering and freeing place to live this life. My mind only values what God thinks of how we ought to live our lives and it is clear in 1 Timothy what God desires for us as mothers. Not that this isn't a process or that at times my sinful nature wants to snatch up control, break away from my babies and find something that seems more gratifying...but I know it is a LIE! I believe that if women would take back the home and find their place under God's calling our nation would be wrecked for HIS GLORY!
I read the following information from The Bible B:
A. Established by the Creation (v. 13)
"For Adam was first formed, then Eve."
Woman's subordinate role was ordained in the order of the creation. Adam was created first, then Eve. In 1 Corinthians 11:8- 9 Paul writes, "The man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man." She was made to be his helper (Gen. 2:18). She is to follow his lead, live on his provisions, find safety in his strength, and protection through his courage. The tendency to follow was built into Eve, but with the Fall came conflict.
The subordinate role of women is not a cultural issue. It cannot be explained away as mere bias on Paul's part, because it is based on the order of creation. Adam was first formed, then Eve.
B. Confirmed by the Fall (v. 14)
"Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in the transgression."
When we think about the Fall, we usually think of it in connection with Adam. Romans 5:12-21 speaks repeatedly of the one man (Adam) who brought sin and death into the world. Adam bears responsibility for the Fall since he is the head of the human race. But we have to keep in mind that he didn't fall first--Eve did. When Eve got out from under the protection of Adam's leadership and attempted to deal independently with the enemy, she was deceived. That reinforces the truth that women were designed with the need for a leader.
Eve showed by the fact she was deceived that she was unable to lead effectively. She met her match in Satan. The Greek word translated "deceived" (exapata[ma]o) in verse 14 is a very strong term. It is stronger than the common Greek word for "deceived" (apata[ma]o). It refers to being thoroughly deceived. And so we conclude that when a woman leaves the shelter of her protector she has a certain amount of vulnerability.
The Fall was the result not only of disobeying God's command, but also of violating the divinely appointed role of the sexes. Eve acted independently and assumed the role of leadership. Adam violated his role by abdicating his leadership position and following Eve's lead. Nevertheless it is important to note that women are not more defective than men. Just as women need men, so men need women. We're all vulnerable in different ways.
We affirm the leadership of men because it is established by the creation, and confirmed by the Fall. And no daughter of Eve should follow her path and enter into the forbidden territory of rulership that was intended for men.
"Notwithstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and love and holiness with sobriety."
In verse 14 we read of woman being in sin. In contrast verse 15 speaks of woman being saved through childbearing. The salvation spoken of here is not salvation from sin. It cannot @refer to Eve since the future tense is used ("she shall be saved"). Furthermore the use of the plural pronoun "they" indicates that more than one woman is in view. Some think this verse refers to Mary's being saved by bearing Christ, but that is foreign to the context. The use of the plural pronoun clearly indicates that all women are in view here.
A. Women's Salvation Defined
The Greek word translated "saved" (s[ma]oz[ma]o) can refer to being saved from things other than sin. This verse is saying that through childbearing all women are delivered from the stigma of a woman's having caused the Fall. A woman led the human race into sin, yet women benefit mankind by replenishing it. They have the opportunity to lead the race to godliness through their influence on children.
B. Women's Significance Delineated
The godliness and virtue of a mother has a profound impact on the life of her children. The raising of children gives woman back her dignity. Her great contribution comes in motherhood. However she must continue in faith, love, and holiness; only a godly mother can raise godly children.
Obviously God doesn't want all women to be mothers. Some of them He doesn't even want to be married, since according to 1 Corinthians 7 some have the gift of singleness. Others He allows to be barren for His own purposes. But as a general rule, motherhood is the greatest contribution a woman can make to the human race. The pain of childbearing was the punishment for her sin, but bearing children delivers her from the stigma of that sin.
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says women are to accept their God-given role. They must not seek the leadership role in the church, but are to raise godly children. How tragic that so many women feel their lives are unfulfilled because they can't function in the same roles as men. God has given them the unique privilege of raising a godly generation of children, of having an intimate relationship with them that no father can know.