Life is living and moving thing and lately our lives have been moving and living at a faster pace than usual. It has kept my writing at bay for 2 weeks, and although I know that is okay and God still hears my praise and my thanks, I can say that I felt something missing without writing. I take less time to spend time in God's word, I fill my day with less reflection of his graces and mercies in my life. I have less opportunity to express myself beyond the daily parenting phrases that are my "new" language in life. I realized, I need this blog. I'm not sure many read it, at this point, or that my thoughts go much beyond my own ability to look back and reflect on what I was experiencing in life. But, I need it. I've always been a journaler...and by that I mean I love to write and have often taken a pen to paper to record my thoughts, always to end up getting rid of it for fear that someone might actually read it. Or years would pass and I would read it and realize how silly it all seemed. Silly or not...I love to blog!
{Psalm 27:4
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple.}
We've been dealing with discipline again in our home. The ever-changing beast it seems to be. I consider myself a pretty firm parent with high expectations of my children, but nothing I don't think they can achieve. We express a lot of love, spend lots of time with them, and cover them with smooches and hugs. So the discipline part has it's place amidst a lot of love. But, we have been struggling. And by we, I suppose I really mean me. I won't go into the details here, now isn't really the time. But I will ask that you be praying for us as we seek God's will in how to handle his heart. We want to implement the Heart Transformation aspect in all things, but as with many things, find it challenging to utilize the right discipline tool in the transformation. I think we might be on to something now...pray we will consistently stick to it and that God would re-shape our child's heart towards obedience.
In my efforts to see more of what God wanted from me about the discipline I was blog hopping. There are so many amazing, biblical, Titus 2 women who are raising many children that I feel I can look up to and gain wisdom from. I was encouraged by what many of them had to say in regards to this issue. But I was most encouraged when I found a mother of 9 children blogging about her own feelings of inadequecy in regards to motherhood. You can find her little post here ( It just goes to show that satan is good at telling all of us we aren't doing enough. I am not saying we should not strive to do more, to know more of God, to know more His will, to see more clearly through His eyes, to intercede for our Children more, and to do so with humility. But, we ought to praise God for His work in us rather than complain against Him and what He has done for us and in us.
Interceding for our children---Well I will say that Justin and I, although not as consistently as I'd like, do have a book of blessing we pray over our children and a CD of blessings we play at night while they sleep. It speaks to their spirits and we love that! We truly believe it will change their lives. I am praying that along with our intercession, speaking to their spirits, doing the 7x7, and dedicating time towards knowing their special gifts God has blessed them with we might lead them down the path towards God. I found on At the Well a little quote from the 1800's.
We do not devote sufficient time to quiet, patient, solitary thought. We adopt a system suited to our inclinations, and pursue it with little examination as to its effects. We are contented to do as others do, not striving to do better . . . Let us therefore begin at home--begin with ourselves, and proceed, as Job proceeded, to intercede for every individual of our beloved circle.
What an awesome challenge to women/mothers/wives. I am inspired by the women of old and could only pray to instill into my heart those same values that my life and family would better serve the Lord.
I have a quick new challenge to give to you. I found it at and she found it somewhere else. It is amazing and I hope to be a good steward of this Challenge! I pass it on to you.
"Here's the challenge: Set your watch to chime every hour and use that small prompt to turn your heart and thoughts heavenward. The second part of the "60/60" refers to the duration of the challenge~ 60 days" It was also suggested that you carry around a 3x5 card to read and pray over as your watch chimes.
11. Older Women who can encourage and instill wisdom
12. Music-the whimsical harmonies and consistent beats that bring my heart to Joy
13. Singing-making music with my voice and even better with my husband and children
14. A husband that serves his family with passion
15. being loved
16. Green Grass
Take the challenge and find 1000 gifts-Praise God Oh Your Soul

One Thousand Gifts
The treasures the Lord has entrusted to me!
Thursday Favorites on Monday
Ahhhh, how crazy is life! I'm only five days late doing my favorites. But better to do them than not at all right?! I've been pondering what to do this week and considering that I always feel compelled to choose something I'm not particularily fond of on a regular basis. It would be easy to do Favorites for something I really LOVE, but what would be challenging about that? So, here I again torn about whether to do something I LOVE or something I need to LOVE MORE!
After much deliberation I've again chosen something challenging rather than obvious. I think I will grow more as a person if I can reflect more on the things I don't normally appreciate. I want to start by confessing that I've seem to be under attack from the dark one (I won't capitalize his name b/c I feel it gives him more power than he actually possess but you know who I mean!). As soon as I started spending more time with Christ, the word, reflecting on the path God has chosen for me and trying to adjust my attitude, the dark one steps in and tries to steal the thunder. I've been feeling DETACHED. I pour out my feelings about my children, my home, my heart and then he interrupts by taking away my ZEAL and my ZEST.
The other day I was sitting in the front room with my kiddos and I thoughts, "okay, we should do a project." Then as quickly as I thought those words I thought, "Oh, I don't want to get up and get it all together." So, I didn't. What?! What is that about. Something that would be best for my kids, fun for us, work for me of course, but rewarding none-the-less, and I let it pass right by like I never had the thought.
I suppose this opens the door to a quick look at SIN and then the EFFECTS of SIN in our lives.
What is SIN?
Simply stated, "The nature of sin is any evil action or evil motive that is in opposition to God. Sin is displacing God from His rightful place." Sin begins with idolatry and self-centeredness.
At the blog: Confident Christianity MJ States the following about Sin: (
Sin will always have a self-centered view of life.
Sin also leaves people with an inability to love according to God’s desire.
Sin often times becomes an enslavement of bondage.
What are the EFFECTS of Sin on our Lives?
I found this little synopsis as a quick look at how sin affects us with biblical references.
First, sin separates a person from a being of absolute purity, God (Isaiah 59:1-2). No one can live a fulfilling life and enjoy true happiness as long as he is separated form his creator.
Second, sin saddens. The prodigal son was in a state of depression until he "came to himself" and was reunited with his father (Luke 15:1ff).
Third, sin scars. Even when a person knows he has been forgiven of his sin, he may continue to carry the burden of his sin. Long after his conversion, Paul still referred to himself as the "chief of sinners" (I Timothy 1:15).
Fourth, sin sours. Carrying the burden of sin can often cause a person to become negative and overly critical of others.
Fifth, sin sickens. Sin, along with its consequences and feelings of guilt, can produce heart problems, ulcers, and emotional difficulties.
Sixth, sin sears. When sin is left uncorrected it allows the heart to become hardened. Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus concerning those persons who were "past feeling" (Ephesians 4:19).
This article was adapted from "The Bible and Mental Health," by Wayne Jackson.
But lets be clear, it isn't just about behavior modification. If I could just DO things differently. It is about Heart Transformation. Many religions out there tell you that if you could just get it all RIGHT, you'll be good, worthy, holy. I argue that this is a lie from Satan. It is about renewing your heart and your mind. Our mindset cannot change until our treasure is Christ alone. (The Christ of the Holy Bible)
Satan slithers in and promises us things that he can never deliver. I know you might think this is a big jump from not doing projects with my kids to Sin and Satan. But it truly is an example of Satan slithering into my life and slowing me down, distracting me from what I ought to be doing as a TITUS 2 Woman of faith and holding me back. Ugh...the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.
So, I'm sure you ask yourself, what are your FAVORITES? after that long "thing" up above.
Well, here we go....wait for it...DOING PROJECTS WITH MY KIDS.
It isn't that I don't naturally love doing the projects, it is that I do not like cleaning it all up. So I let the cleaning it up keep me from doing it at all. TOTALLY CRAZY.
So here we go...
1.Watching their faces light up when they make something new and uniquely theirs
2.The fun of seeing them explore new textures, colors, and experiences
3.Spending time getting to know each one of them and their preferences
4.Seeing them encourage one another
5.Hearing them laugh and giggle while they learn
6. Guiding them through the process of learning something new
7.Watching them finally understand something we've been working on for a while
8.Seeing the world through their eyes as the door opens to something new
9.Imparting God's word in their hearts through play
10.Hanging up completed and crazy artwork
11.Hearing them tell daddy all about it when he gets home
12.The pride they and security they have in their heart
That is it for now. I suppose I could have more but I like to stop once I have to think too hard for an answer!
I ask you to pray for me as I am trying to release the laziness I feel and engage. I need to think of them more, myself less, and pursue Christ!
"Sin takes you farther than you are willing to go, keeps you longer than you are willing to stay and has a price higher than you are willing to pay"-CS Lewis
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